Quote Originally Posted by JoeP26 View Post
Bro literally the same thing here. Was on Finasteride for a year and did fine but switched to Dutasteride in late July. Only took two doses, one on July 29th and one on August 4th. Reacted badly to both of them and then crashed hard two weeks later after it reactivated Epstein Barr Virus (mono) for 3 or 4 months.

I feel for you man. It really sucks. Sleep issues, low libido, pulsating/throbbing nervous system, weakness, skin burning, feeling god awful in the head, and all of the rest that comes along with it. It's a nightmare. Keep doing the protocol. I'm 4 days in on a 7 day water fast and then picking up the diet again. It's the only way out. You got this.
BRO! That's around the same time I crashed too! Crazy to think someone else was going through the same thing at the same time haha.

What's crazy is that before switching to Dutasteride, I thought all the people who were complaining of PFS were hypochondriacs and that it wasn't real. Unfortunately I was very very wrong.

I'm very grateful to have found this website, and that a way out exists.

Thanks for your support and good luck on your journey as well man!