Quote Originally Posted by JoeP26 View Post
Day 5 of the water fast. Once again, woke up feeling awful, like a very very sick feeling, after 4 and a half hours of sleep. However, it subsided quickly and am doing ok now after a couple of hours being awake. Just resting. I've measured my blood pressure regularly throughout the process and current reading is 94/56 and pulse is 62bpm. Can't wait til Saturday when I can finally eat.

I know soft foods are recommended after fasting. I planned on eating scrambled egg beats fried in a little butter, probiotic yogurt with active cultures, avocado, and a little ice cream with a small handful of assorted berries (strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry). Is this ok to eat following a week long water fast?
No, not at all. Unless you want to get very sick.

You break a fast with raw fruit and slowly work your way up over the course of a few days into eating "regular" food.