For years, I was in denial about PFS because my family and psychologist vehemently insisted that it wasn’t possible, etc, and I just didn’t want it to be true. If you hooked me up to a lie detector, I would have 100% passed while saying I did not have PFS - yet I did have it.

Maybe for English it was largely mental, but for me and many others, it is 95% - 100% physical. If it was mostly mental, then it could be cured by denial, and that wasn’t the case for me. Maybe it would work for others, but it’s not a strategy that I would recommend.

If you’re super depressed and anxious, that could negatively affect you and your recovery time. But you should still see improvement over time, and that can help you see a light at the end of the tunnel and boost your mood, which in turn can help you stay on track and recover. So I’d say to stick with the program whether you feel sad or happy.