Quote Originally Posted by JoeP26 View Post
Day 10 on Andro Hard

I'm sleeping a lot more than I used. So that's cool. But I wake a couple of times in between sleeping. Body temp is warmer as well. Lots of morning word and couple of times with spontaneous erections. Gravity still feels very heavy, still feel like I'm on a rocking ship at sea, and just overall unwell.

I had my eyes on those last bottles of R-Andro on eBay but they got swiped before I could grab them. So, I have instead acquired 200 tabs of 25mg Proviron that I will run next time. Andro Hard makes you too tired and doesn't make enough DHT to make enough of an impact in my situation.

I just learned that my DHT is actually severely low. The ratio of T to DHT should be roughly 10:1. My ratio is less than 20:1. Not good. Androsterone only makes 1/100th of DHT and EpiAndrosterone only makes 1/10th. Proviron is pure DHT with an added methyl group. I'll probably run 100-200mg daily. However, I will finish this cycle of Andro Hard, as I do like the sleeping.
Where did you get this on the ratio? My last blood test I did, my T was 861 and my DHT was 40. Per your ratio, my DHT would have to be 86 to be right, and almost top of the scale. Ive never seen this anywhere before.

As well, do what you wish - but Proviron and Androsterone (R Andro/Andro Hard) are two entirely different compounds and arent one for one substitutes. I assure you, the DHT Prohormones are just fine to get you back to where you need to be in the DHT department.