Quote Originally Posted by Sd123 View Post
Quick update here. I've been following the protocol to the best of my ability and have been doing OK -- only thing off is libido and sensitivity.

I spoke to a naturopath about the protocol and herb rotation and he completely agreed with every aspect except one. He thinks rotating the herbs renders them less effective. Instead, he recommends the following protocol of daily herb intake for three weeks on and one week off.

I don't know if he's right or wrong but wanted to gauge the group on what he suggested as an alternative to the more typical herb rotation.

His recommendation

Pine Pollen 1 tbsp twice daily
Cordyceps 1 gram 3 times per day
Horny Goat Weed 2grams twice daily
Mucuna 1 gram twice daily
Maca 1tbsp twice per day
Schisandra 1 gram twice daily
Goji 1 tbsp twice daily
Rhodiola 1 capsule (500mg) twice daily for the first 5 days of each cycle, then 1 capsule daily for the remainder of each cycle.
Iodine 1 capsule daily
Pine Pollen Tincture 30 drops twice per day for 5 days then take 2 days off.
Royal Jelly 1 capsule twice daily
Just do the herb rotation as instructed on TMO. No need to reinvent the wheel. The protocol here works fantastically, but only if you do it 100%.