Hey man - sorry for the late reply. I’m doing well. Slight improvements here and there, but nothing crazy. I can mentally handle this much better than early on, so grateful for that. Been off fin for a little over two years now. Took 2 pills. I’ve followed the protocol for a few months here and there but I always end up cheating by eating something shitty or having a few cocktails. My neurological stuff is pretty profound, so hopefully it’s fixable. I attribute most of it to neuro-visual issues, but I do have a feelIng it’s more profound. I plan on doing a fast and starting over again, so I will start my own thread once I do. There are some things that happen to your body that are just not fixable (even things that science can actually comprehend), so I’m willing to accept a recovery that isn’t 100%. Even if I get to 80, I’ll be super satisfied. I have no doubt I can get there, but I need to put in the work and listen to my body and make adjustments. Something this complex, won’t be a one size fits all, so I plan to take an approach where I make tweaks If necessary. I don’t think anyone here can say anything is one size fits all with such few data points (that’s just how science works). I’m going to do diet, herbs, etc. but I still haven’t decided on the pro-hormones. Will look to you guys for help when the time comes.