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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by LetsGo View Post
    Hi Jado. I’m not the top expert on this, so take what I say with a grain of salt. If you’re using androhard, you can adjust how many pumps/squirts you use. If you’re very sensitive to it, you could use fewer pumps than the generally recommended amount because that might be all your body needs if you’re super-sensitive to it.

    R Andro is known to be a lot stronger than Androhard, according to most people at least.

    You could try a shorter Androhard cycle, and start at a lower dose, erring on the low side. If you feel really good results, I would just stay at that level. It’s generally recommended to start with a low dose and work your way up, in case you turn out to be super sensitive to it.
    Yeah, I was only doing 2 pumps twice a day. Like I said, I felt awesome for the first 6 days. I can see how this stuff gets you back to normal. I just need to take it slow i suppose. I assume my estrogen went too low? Are you aware of any cycle support that can prevent that? I'm definitely no expert on PHs either...I would really like to be able to get through an entire cycle, though. I think I'll just do shorter cycles and try to slowly work up to a complete cycle.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jado View Post
    Yeah, I was only doing 2 pumps twice a day. Like I said, I felt awesome for the first 6 days. I can see how this stuff gets you back to normal. I just need to take it slow i suppose. I assume my estrogen went too low? Are you aware of any cycle support that can prevent that? I'm definitely no expert on PHs either...I would really like to be able to get through an entire cycle, though. I think I'll just do shorter cycles and try to slowly work up to a complete cycle.
    Interesting; I used like 8 pumps, twice a day, of androhard for about a week and felt nothing at all. I started with like 2 pumps twice a day, but felt nothing and increased it. Anyway, I had stopped working out due to the gyms closing for months, so that might be the reason it didn’t seem to help me at all. For the last few weeks I’ve started doing a makeshift version of my workout routine in my apartment, using dumbbells and water jugs. Once I feel like I’m fully back into workout mode (maybe 4 more weeks) I’m going to try the Androhard again and see if I notice anything this time.

    Supposedly, high DHT can lower estrogen, but I’m not a big expert on that. As far as cycle support goes, I’d be highly reluctant to take some other prohormone to try to balance out a side effect from the first one. It could introduce its own side effects, and then you’re taking a third prohormone to balance out the side effects from the other two, etc. Eventually, you’re taking a mountain of pills and creams every day, trying to stop side effects, and your body is a walking pharmacy. The idea of the prohormone on the protocol is that it’s supposed to pretty much just raise your DHT, and then you continue the herb rotation afterwards as your post-cycle therapy. The further you stray from that in terms of adding more prohormones, I think it adds risks that you don’t need to be adding.

    I think the better route is to try to thread that needle where you get results, but no bad side effects. And I think the way to do that is to play around with the dosage. 2 pumps twice a day is too much for you, based on what happened the first go-round. So in your situation, I would try 1 pump once a day for Week 1, and see how you feel. Then in Week 2, 1 pump twice a day, and see where you’re at. If you’re feeling good on that, then I would just stay at that level for the rest of the cycle. You ultimately want to find some kind of schedule that gives you results and you can sustain it for the full cycle (4 weeks is fine for a first cycle, in my opinion. You don’t necessarily need to do 6 or 8 weeks, especially if you’re sensitive to it.)

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