Quick update been on and off the diet with not much consistency as i find it the hardest part of the whole protocol for me (especially when you are used to eating like shit for years) but there is definitely noticeable improvement in my digestion particularly after i dropped gluten with diarrhea almost gone now besides few tes every now and then.

Also been making my own bone broth for the past two weeks and i feel its helping my digestion (while also causing bloat and gas buildup for some reason?)

On the downside something that has been bothering me since my symptoms started on day one and it was the first thing i noticed after i took fin (never had this prior) is vision issues in particularly what i call "eyes vibration" due to a lack of better term, basically when i try to focus on anything relatively far my eye balls start vibrating fast to the right and left but not too far from what I'm focusing on if you get what i mean, is this a part of the PFS shit show or should i go and check if this could be something more serious?