Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
I'm running Ultra Hard 5 pumps per day right now and loving life. Tomorrow will be two weeks on. Feel completely recovered! Just hoping it sticks after cycle cuz last time it didn't unfortunately. Love the euphoria on this stuff! However at the back of my mind i keep worrying that i might get suppressed. Now normally I don't think about it at all but this time it's a bit different.

I ran MG Andro Hard for a bit under six weeks in May-June, and then went back to herb cycling. Then around two weeks later I got impatient and wanted to try oral epiandro to see how it felt. Ran it at 400mg/day for 10 days and then quit cuz all it did was deepen my voice and make me fatigued. I then did herb cycling for a bit over a month before jumping on Ultra Hard. Using the epi andro during this period was a bit stupid i know but i'm just getting a bit impatient as i'm having days where i'm even better than pre pfs but have a few lingering symptoms. Wanna get this crap over with asap.

I normally do 8 weeks of PCT after cycles but I figured trying the epi for 10 days wouldn't hurt as DHT prohormones aren't that suppressive. Now that I'm on Ultra Hard though I keep worrying that I might get suppressed because I tried the epi during my 8 week PCT and therefore didn't take 8 weeks off all ph's like you're supposed to.

So yeah my question is can I safely run the Ultra for 4-6 weeks, or should I hop off, rotate herbs for a few months and go again? I started the Ultra two months after stopping the MG AH, but I did have the 10-day period of cycling epi andro in there. Would be a shame if I had to drop the Ultra as I really love how it makes me feel but also don't wanna get suppressed lol. I know people do 12 week or 16 week cycles w/o issues which puts my mind at ease but still need confirmation

My current plan is to run the Ultra Hard for 4-6 weeks, cycle herbs for 2-3 months, and then run an Ultra Hard/Alpha Four stack...so Andro/Epi + 4-DHEA. That is unless someone experienced with cycling like Maxout or CD etc. thinks I should just hop off my current cycle just in case.

I think I'm experiencing low estrogen still as I often get achy joints which I saw English had and he had low e2... 4 andro should help
Hi bro, im glad you feeling better. Can you go in details about your recovery? Did you have erect penis size loss, if so did it come back?
Did you experience numb orgasms and sensivity loss, did it come back 100%?
What about semen volume?

I just need some hope any additions would be fine. Thanks.