It's been almost 2 months since my last update, so I figured I'd check in. Unfortunately the last 4 days have been absolute hell, but before that I went like 5 weeks of feeling absolutely fantastic! So let's start there.
I said a couple of months ago I was experiencing what I'm guessing was hypokalemia from taking Pine Pollen, so I reduced my daily intake from 2-3 tsp to 1 tsp. Within a day I felt great again. But then after a couple of weeks I kinda felt that feeling again, so I reduced it even more 1 tsp every Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Boom! That was the sweet spot. I felt absolutely amazing. I probably went 4 weeks straight with morning wood. But not just weak morning wood that disappeared once my feet hit the floor. This time it stayed for a minute or so after leaving bed. On top of that I would get the random erection throughout the day. My libido was back. Funny, I used to think no fap was such an easy thing to do, but during these few weeks of feeling normal that shit was impossible! lol I couldn't go more than 2 days. It felt like I was getting my life back.
But then 4 days ago things went to shit again. I woke up on Friday with my typical morning wood, but within an hour of being awake I started feeling off again. Similar feeling to what I'm assuming was hypokalemia last month. My body got freezing cold, my balls shriveled up, my head was pounding and my I felt so lethargic. It lasted pretty much the entire weekend. I would sleep like 9 hours, and then after a few hours of being awake I'd want to go to sleep again. And my junk remained shriveled up. Obviously no more morning wood, no more random erections. I thought I was seeing signs yesterday of getting better but then today I felt just as shitty. Is it possible that I just have a terrible reaction to Pine Pollen? I have a pretty good amount of potassium in my diet. I track my food on myfitnesspal and I always hit the daily requirement, sometimes go over it.
I think I'm gonna go the rest of the week without Pine Pollen and see what happens. This is particularly scary cuz not only did I just have like 5 amazing weeks, but also I don't think I've felt this terrible in like 4 years. But I don't want this post to seem like a downer, on the plus side I swear before this I was feeling amazing! I wanna chase that high again. I added murcuna to my herb cycle recently and I had a great reaction to it. I also just ordered shilajit, I hear amazing things about that herb so I'm excited to try that! I still wanna add one more herb. I know people always say good things about the PP tincture. Maybe I'll stop taking the powder so regularly, and add it as a cycled herb along with the tincture.