Quote Originally Posted by Mistyballoon View Post
Hi Everyone,

Took my first step onto the journey, started the juice feast today..

I have several questions, would appreciate any informations;

is there any protocol that I need to do on my Juice Feast? Herbs? Workouts?

Once I clear the juice feast (planning to do 7 days) do I need to recondition my body with eating only fruits & veggies, or should I jump right away to paleo?

I have 1 more question; Ive talked to an Andrologist regarding the problem, and told him this caused by finasteride, he seemed to understand what finasteride does and quite supportive. The only thing is he gave me a prescription (custom medicine) that contains : Sidenafil, Diazepam, Vit B1..

I have no problem with sidenafil and vit B1, but for Diazepam, I am kinda unsure because I looked at it on the Internet and found out that Diazepam would cause ED in a high dose. Told my doctor about it and he told me he gave me a very low does (0.75mg) to relax my muscle in my reproductive system.

Does anyone have experiences regarding Diazepam? Paid for my medicine but have not took it because I am afraid.

Thank you very much

Thank you..
Very interesting custom med there. I can see why he went that route because those meds combined would certainly help, for short term, but in the long run, it's going to do nothing but set you back.

Follow the protocol EXACTLY as laid out.