Taking exogenous testosterone, even if it is bioidentical (the exact same molecule your body makes) will cause other effects. It’s not just “boom, I take this gel or injection and now my low testosterone is normal testosterone,” like a diabetic person taking insulin for their blood sugar. The body’s sex hormones are more complicated than that.

When you take exogenous test, your body will now have more testosterone than its biofeedback loops think it should, so it will throttle back on lutenizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone (which tell the body to make more test, as well as sperm.) Your balls aren’t needed for test anymore, so they will shrink. However, your balls ARE needed for recovering from PFS, so this is going to mess you up badly.

The balls do more than make testosterone and by flooding yourself with exogenous test, you are interrupting other processes that they need to do. Some of this bioidentical test will also aromatize into estrogen as well, and also you would have to up the dose of exogenous test as your balls continued to shrink and produce less test of their own.

The CD method is about doing things to nudge the body back into proper homeostasis - taking exogenous bioidentical test is going to throw a wrench in your body’s natural feedback loops and mess up your recovery.