Quote Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
Glad to hear you are having positive results turnover :-)
I ordered some androhard. Just did a second 5 day fast and going for another half a week on juice, followed up by 3-4 months of strict protocol to make sure I have the best base for starting PH. Can I ask you if you experienced a lot of night terrors during your recovery? It’s probably my biggest issue as it messes up my sleep and causes a lot of anxiety / low stress tolerance during the day. Can’t tell for sure if it is the xanax withdrawal, ptsd or pfs.
I would return the Androhard and get UltraHard as the new androhard has been deemed ineffective by guys here. But that’s a good plan. I waited 7 months on the herbs before I ran prohormones and I’m glad I did. I had nightmares probably a year ago before starting the herbs, also horrible anxiety and zero stress tolerance. That will improve man, read through my thread if you need some reassurance I was pretty fucked. I suffer from ptsd as well from things outside of pfs and the protocol has helped me in all aspects of my life including that one. Give it some time for the Xanax to detox out of your system as well, benzo withdrawal is real.