Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
Well brother I’m gonna be honest with you, I really sympathize with you. I feel for you for the time you feel like you lost and I know how much of a struggle all this is. Unfortunately that isn’t going to help you my man, but I can share some of my own experiences cuz I think they may be of some help.

I really do think that your attitude is part of the problem, not that you have a shitty attitude or anything but it doesn’t seem like you’re very positive about all this and honestly that’s huge. The only person who can help you is you, so you have to be in your own corner and realize you can do everything you just told me. But stuff like your age, who cares man. People start new hobbies at all walks of life. My hockey team has 60 year old dudes who started playing in their 50’s. Find what you enjoy then do that. Also, your age isn’t going to deter women. Your attitude will though. You sound like a good person who’s accomplished a lot in life and you need to wear that on your sleeve and girls will be attracted to that. Woman love confidence, that’s about it. Unless you’re insanely unattractive.

I don’t mean to be preachy but I care about the guys on this forum and I want you to feel better, PFS will make things hard but if you hold yourself back then you’ve really lost. Just my two cents at least.
Correct on the women aspect. Age has nothing to do with it.....at all. Your personality has EVERYTHING to do with it. Looks are a plus and it will get you in the door, so to speak, but for men, it's our attitude and confidence and the way we carry ourselves that define who we are. NOTHING else.