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  1. #1
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gomesgame View Post
    Hi all - 1st post, gonna be long

    I’m a brazilian 23 male suffering from PSSD after taking antidepressants for 2 months (June - August 7’) so right now i’m off for 4 months and have a lot of symptoms with no improvement, and a lot of symptoms similar to PFS. I CANT FUCKIEN BELIEVE I DID THIS FOR WOMEN'S ISSUES AND BECAME A LIMPER AT 23!!!!!!!
    So I engaged in PFS community to search for recoveries and their protocols to make my own plan to get out of it (and something tells me I will). I avoid now PSSDForum because I think that there’s too much the logic from curing it by “rebalancing” the brain with silver bullets and it annoys me a lot and I don’t believe it, since i guess it’s in fact a cascade resulted by endocrinal disruption in every case and thats why our syndrome is quite similar.

    My symptoms are:

    - Short sleep (first 2 months i could only sleep 2-3 hours per night. Now it’s normal 7-8h but its strange.
    - Insomnia
    - Emotional Flatness
    - Anhedonia
    - Muscle wastage
    - Facial fat loss
    - Weak bones
    - Poor digestion (diarrhea/constipation)
    - Lack of oil in hair and face
    - Thinned hair all over the body
    - Hairloss all over the body
    - Less sweat
    - No body odor
    - Slow wound healing
    - Massive testicular shrinkage (~30% of the size)
    - Penis shrinkage and wrinckles
    - Penis and testes are cold and pale sometimes
    - No libido (I was the horniest creature in the world)
    - Premature ejaculation
    - Erection is hard to achieve and maintain, but i can get like 90%
    - My glan doesnt fill while hard
    - Genital numbness
    - Can’t feel alcohol booze
    - Mild brain fog
    - Maybe lowered body temperature, but didn’t test yet

    I’m posting it just to create a log and begin some contact here. Also to help me plan my steps to recovery, which are:

    - Diet (I’ll start this January 10’ because you know, year ending and a lot of parties and meetings etc etc)
    - I’m having an ortomolecular nutritionist alongside me on this journey to guide my diet
    - Don’t know if I’m gonna start with a fast because i lost a lot of mass and fat already (I was muscly for all my life and now I’m a skinny mofo)
    - My plan is to eat paleo diet with a lot of veggies and meat. Cut sugar completely and do low carb.
    - Take spurilina, chlorella and bone broth daily while on recovery to keep my GI system on top
    - Take fermented foods and Glutamine to help my gut and keep it working to its fullness
    - Take Vit C, Vit D, Magnesium Threonate, Calcium and fish oil daily
    - Berberine to help heal my gut wall - I think its giving me diarrhea but I won't give up on it since it looks very promising
    - Try to cut coffee and alcohol to zero (I don’t know if i will in fact, i’m really addicted to coffee and have a lot of parties so maybe keep alcohol once by week but keep it in control)
    - Won't take ANY pharmaceutical EVER in my life. Shame on them!

    - Exercise: sprints 2x/week with small muscles training; weight lifting 2x/week with big muscles training ; calisthemics 2x/weekends
    - Meditation daily (Wim Hof method 2x/day and Visualization Meditation or Auto-Hypnosis before bed)
    - Cold Showers 2x daily (already doing it but only once per day)
    - Sun my boys and body daily when sun is present
    - Cut back masturbation for max 2x/week
    - Natural cosmetical products only (Shampoo / deodorant / soaps)
    - Reading “You’re the placebo” right now - honestly I think it maybe only works for anxiety / depression kind of illnes, don't know if it can help endocrinal mess

    - Sleep at minimum 8hrs/day (I’m already doing this, but I sleep after 12 PM everyday)

    - For T herbs, i’m gonna cycle with Pine Pollen; Tongkat; Tribulus and Maca 2 days per week each one. I dont have the enough cacife to buy 7 since i'm already struggling with aqll the other costs (supps, diet, nutritionist, cosmetics, etc) I'm a humble musician
    - Citruline and Creatine daily whilst recovery

    I thinks that’s it. I’m gonna honor this protocol religiously for minimum 2yrs and if it brings me nowhere i’m gonna stop and honestly i don’t know what to try next (maybe some bad things). Lately I’ve been more positive with all this shit because I can see it’s very much reversible opposing what most PH (and PSSD guys think), but some days I find me lacking a lot of hope and anyways I’m kinda always obsessed with everything that’s happening. I spend almos 90% of the day reading this forum or re-reading recoveries, which is better but not healthy though.

    I would like some opinions around my plan for this journey, and some recommendations, annything to add or remove, advices if any of this supps can crash me, any idea of what could be happening by my symptoms, who knows, this shit is bizarre and everything is to supect.

    Btw I like the positivity and support on this forum, very glad I'm here
    Nothing here is suspect. Do the protocol as is. It has been distilled down to it's current structure from years of trial and error. Avoid any other places that say different as they will just serve to jumble your mind and throw you off course with doubt. The one thing you don't need.

    If you do this protocol 100%......all of it.....everything, for two years, you will no doubt be a better man then you are now and will most likely feel better then you've ever felt in your life.

    Try not to over think it. Just do it.

    And even alcohol once a week right now is a completely bad idea. You can't feel the alcohol because your brains Gaba channels are not working properly, so why bother even drinking it? You'll drink it, barley feel it, and pay for it by increasing the time it takes to heal. Not a good idea.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 12-19-2020 at 07:02 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    I'm willful for doing the protocol. But i admit i'm postponing it as well since the year is ending and my bd is right at the start of the year and i planned with my friends (which all know my issues) to drink some whiskey to get this event started for me. It's gonna be Jan 7' and I will start dieting from day 10' - with fasting. Anyways on the year turn i'm gonna stop coffee and sugar to the zero for a better fast.

    I'm gonna do a 5 days wbone broth fasting with glutamine as advised by English on PH. Then 3- 4 months with no gluten, sugar, dairy, seeds, nightshades, nuts and alcohol. Reintroduction gonna be slow afterwards.
    What i'm already doing rn is the cold showers (i fckng love it). In fact i do contrast showers: 1min high hot, 1min hower turned off completely. Also i'm meditating before bed and waking up with Tai Chi for 15min. Eventually i do Wim Hof during the day. Skin brushing is already here too.
    What i've been doing pretty lazy assy is exercise. I suck at it, fuck. Also i'm postponing it like diet, since i see there's no reason to start it full force before the fast. But i intend to start it properly along with diet after fasting. I also am a big smoker and don't know if i should stop it completely to be able to recover, though i know it's a horrible habit and the total opposite to health.

    And last thing, I would like to ask CD if it's okay to only rotate 4 herbs during the week, 2 days each one with the purp of not getting tolerance, cuz in theory i will have been 6 days off each one till use it again

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gomesgame View Post
    I'm willful for doing the protocol. But i admit i'm postponing it as well since the year is ending and my bd is right at the start of the year and i planned with my friends (which all know my issues) to drink some whiskey to get this event started for me. It's gonna be Jan 7' and I will start dieting from day 10' - with fasting. Anyways on the year turn i'm gonna stop coffee and sugar to the zero for a better fast.

    I'm gonna do a 5 days wbone broth fasting with glutamine as advised by English on PH. Then 3- 4 months with no gluten, sugar, dairy, seeds, nightshades, nuts and alcohol. Reintroduction gonna be slow afterwards.
    What i'm already doing rn is the cold showers (i fckng love it). In fact i do contrast showers: 1min high hot, 1min hower turned off completely. Also i'm meditating before bed and waking up with Tai Chi for 15min. Eventually i do Wim Hof during the day. Skin brushing is already here too.
    What i've been doing pretty lazy assy is exercise. I suck at it, fuck. Also i'm postponing it like diet, since i see there's no reason to start it full force before the fast. But i intend to start it properly along with diet after fasting. I also am a big smoker and don't know if i should stop it completely to be able to recover, though i know it's a horrible habit and the total opposite to health.

    And last thing, I would like to ask CD if it's okay to only rotate 4 herbs during the week, 2 days each one with the purp of not getting tolerance, cuz in theory i will have been 6 days off each one till use it again
    If you want to wait until 1/7/2021 to start that’s okay, but you’re delaying your recovery by that amount of time. You will ultimately have to stop drinking during the protocol and if you’re used to drinking with your friends, and they insist that you drink / call you names if you don’t drink, then you’re not going to be able to hang out with them during the protocol.

    You’ll need to stay consistent with the diet throughout the whole process. If you reintroduce gluten, alcohol, and sugar after 3 of 4 months then you won’t be following the protocol and you’re just pushing back your recovery date. 6 or 12 months will go by and you’ll realize it was a mistake to start eating gluten and sugar, because you’re not making the progress you should be making. One thing I learned along the way is that you need to be prepared for this to be a long process. If you’re sloppy with compliance then it will take even longer.

    If you’re doing a water fast, you should do a medically supervised fast, otherwise a juice feast is recommended instead. If you can’t take time off from work and spend a whole bunch of money on a fasting clinic, then go the juice feast route. On a water fast, you’re not drinking any broth, just water.

    The weightlifting is a key part of the protocol, and everyone who has never lifted before will suck at it. That’s okay. Just work with where you are currently and build up from there. Same thing with HIIT. The workouts are just something you have to get used to, and after a few months it’s not a big deal anymore.

    For the herbs, you really want at least 7 to start with, that way you get a full 7 days in between taking that herb again. 14 herbs is better, and 21 herbs is even better. But you can start with just 7. If you do 4 herbs, you’d have to have 3 days per week where you don’t take any herb. So I guess: Monday = herb 1, Tuesday = no herbs, Wednesday = Herb 2, Thursday = no herbs, Friday = herb 3, Saturday = no herbs, Sunday = Herb 4. Next week: Monday = no herbs, Tuesday = Herb 1, Wednesday = no herbs, Thursday = Herb 2, Friday = no herbs, Saturday = Herb 3, Sunday = no herbs, Monday = herb 4, etc. If I only had 4 herbs that would be, I think, the way to do it, but you’re not going to get the expected results with only 4 herbs.

    CD has always recommended not smoking tobacco. Cigarettes are sprayed with chemicals like freebase nicotine and even “natural tobacco” cigarettes like Natural Spirits are very unhealthy. They’re bad for your heart and lungs. What’s the up-side of smoking? Some minor social benefits of meeting other smokers outside of bars, mostly (but remember, you don’t drink anymore so even that benefit is gone,) and looking cool from the beginning of middle school through the end of college. I will sort of entertain the idea of smoking in college (which is irresponsible of me to condone) if you’re otherwise in great health, as long as you quit when you graduate (which nobody does, which is why ultimately, I think smoking in college is still a bad idea.) Most smokers have vague plans of quitting someday (before a heart attack or cancer) but you can always put it off another week, and that’s how you wind up being a lifelong smoker. Or you’re like my aunt who finally quit when she got COPD and started needing an oxygen tank at age 60. She can’t walk more than 30 feet without needing to rest and there’s no way to repair her lungs, quitting just stopped adding to the permanent damage. So as you revamp your health, go ahead and also make this the time when you quit smoking. You can easily afford to buy all 20+ herbs with your cigarette money.

    And switching to vaping doesn’t count as fully quitting. You’re still dependent on nicotine and you’re still inhaling a chemistry lab worth of different chemicals if you vape.

  4. #4
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LetsGo View Post
    If you want to wait until 1/7/2021 to start that’s okay, but you’re delaying your recovery by that amount of time. You will ultimately have to stop drinking during the protocol and if you’re used to drinking with your friends, and they insist that you drink / call you names if you don’t drink, then you’re not going to be able to hang out with them during the protocol.

    You’ll need to stay consistent with the diet throughout the whole process. If you reintroduce gluten, alcohol, and sugar after 3 of 4 months then you won’t be following the protocol and you’re just pushing back your recovery date. 6 or 12 months will go by and you’ll realize it was a mistake to start eating gluten and sugar, because you’re not making the progress you should be making. One thing I learned along the way is that you need to be prepared for this to be a long process. If you’re sloppy with compliance then it will take even longer.

    If you’re doing a water fast, you should do a medically supervised fast, otherwise a juice feast is recommended instead. If you can’t take time off from work and spend a whole bunch of money on a fasting clinic, then go the juice feast route. On a water fast, you’re not drinking any broth, just water.

    The weightlifting is a key part of the protocol, and everyone who has never lifted before will suck at it. That’s okay. Just work with where you are currently and build up from there. Same thing with HIIT. The workouts are just something you have to get used to, and after a few months it’s not a big deal anymore.

    For the herbs, you really want at least 7 to start with, that way you get a full 7 days in between taking that herb again. 14 herbs is better, and 21 herbs is even better. But you can start with just 7. If you do 4 herbs, you’d have to have 3 days per week where you don’t take any herb. So I guess: Monday = herb 1, Tuesday = no herbs, Wednesday = Herb 2, Thursday = no herbs, Friday = herb 3, Saturday = no herbs, Sunday = Herb 4. Next week: Monday = no herbs, Tuesday = Herb 1, Wednesday = no herbs, Thursday = Herb 2, Friday = no herbs, Saturday = Herb 3, Sunday = no herbs, Monday = herb 4, etc. If I only had 4 herbs that would be, I think, the way to do it, but you’re not going to get the expected results with only 4 herbs.

    CD has always recommended not smoking tobacco. Cigarettes are sprayed with chemicals like freebase nicotine and even “natural tobacco” cigarettes like Natural Spirits are very unhealthy. They’re bad for your heart and lungs. What’s the up-side of smoking? Some minor social benefits of meeting other smokers outside of bars, mostly (but remember, you don’t drink anymore so even that benefit is gone,) and looking cool from the beginning of middle school through the end of college. I will sort of entertain the idea of smoking in college (which is irresponsible of me to condone) if you’re otherwise in great health, as long as you quit when you graduate (which nobody does, which is why ultimately, I think smoking in college is still a bad idea.) Most smokers have vague plans of quitting someday (before a heart attack or cancer) but you can always put it off another week, and that’s how you wind up being a lifelong smoker. Or you’re like my aunt who finally quit when she got COPD and started needing an oxygen tank at age 60. She can’t walk more than 30 feet without needing to rest and there’s no way to repair her lungs, quitting just stopped adding to the permanent damage. So as you revamp your health, go ahead and also make this the time when you quit smoking. You can easily afford to buy all 20+ herbs with your cigarette money.

    And switching to vaping doesn’t count as fully quitting. You’re still dependent on nicotine and you’re still inhaling a chemistry lab worth of different chemicals if you vape.
    Looks like you got things covered over hear man......I'm gonna get the hell out of Jersey for a quick weekend trip to FL.....Between you and Maxout the forum is in capable

    Thanks for your contributions. It saves me from typing the same thing over and over again.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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