Hey guys. Sad ratchet here. It seems I really fucked my dick up. I developed new plaques a few weeks ago that coincided with pumping. I have indents all along the right side of my penis now, as well as one on the underside that is easily felt on the long, blood filled tube going up the middle of your underside dick. I haven’t had any nocturnal erections since these formed, the tip of my dick is always very cold, I can’t get an erection at all really. Hard flaccid really bad. I tried to continue pumping really gently just to inflate the thing and it seems to be aggravating things/making them worse. I’m truly heartbroken because I’ve come so far just to have this happen. To happen after a breakup. I know stress is playing a significant role here, but I can’t even get it up myself with 10mg of cialis flowing through my veins. I was okay going from a 7”x6” to a 6.25”x5, but I have a horrible feeling this is going to get a lot worse with my current situation overtime. The silver lining is that my hourglass is gone, but only because I have something in the right side counteracting whatever was on the left causing the hourglass to begin with.

If this were to resolve and my dick was back to its old glory – I’d put myself at 98% recovered. I only have small bouts of brain fog and no libido that come and go. No libido at all now, obviously. I got my bloods done recently and everything is perfect, even by the strict standards more informed medical/fitness practitioners would use.

I don’t want to scare anyone away from pumping, it honestly does miracles for most. Pay attention to your body and ask yourself beforehand if you could be happy with what you had. I would trade my current situation for my old one in a heart beat and would have never tried. I’m not going to concede that’s it’s over yet, but I am feeling hopeless at the moment.

There was a time I told myself I would live as a eunuch as long as I got my mind and body back, so I am truly grateful for all of the progress I have made. I might just eat those words tho. Life goes on.

All the best – fuck gluten
