Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
I don’t touch this thread often, thought I’d weigh in with some test results. I took the same test as Joe and had nearly the exact same results, all of my neurotransmitters were tanked. Including GABA, serotonin, dopamine, you name it, all deficient. My hormones were all shooting through the roof, DHT, test, estrogen all sky high, at least in my urine, I don’t know what they’d look like on a blood test. If they were lower, I’d assume my body isn’t metabolizing hormones.

At least my T is back up, after I crashed I got my test levels tested, and I had the Test of a 96 year old man. And I’ve made great progress, so here we are.

For neurotransmitters, I’m not going to try to treat them. Anything having to do with neurotransmitters makes me worse, I can’t take L glutamine, L thianine, none of that stuff. I think it just causes a further imbalance for me. I’m just gonna stick to the protocol, prohormones for some neurosteroids, and cold showers to send that nice electric shock to the brain in hopes of it kickstarting my neurotransmitter production like you would while jumping an old, shitty broken down car back to life on the side of the highway. I’m that car 😂

Anyways, just started a probiotic and TUDCA. Seeing VERY positive results. One positive I’ve noticed is I’ve began dreaming again nightly. In my case, I think my condition is largely in my gut/organs, so I’m taking extra good care of them. I also just ended a nice 3 day water fast to oil some things up, and now I’m on the straight and narrow, following the protocol with zero cheating or indulging, I’m beyond all that now.

Also, just discovered Medjool dates and swapped them out for anything with artificial sugar during my backloading windows. HOW HAVE I NOT DISCOVERED THESE SOONER??? They taste like fucking candy. I’m obsessed.

Anyways. Only good stuff ahead boys.
Oh shit! You did the test too. It's crazy right? Several others tested as well and we all have the same patterns. Even the hormones. Mine were testing low-normal at serum but extremely high at urine. That's indicative of metabolizing hormones too quickly. You're literally just pissing them out before they can actually be utilized.