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  1. #11
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LetsGo View Post
    Jucin’ Update:

    Day 2

    My juicer is making this whole process easy. Between prep and cleanup, it takes less than 30 minutes to make 4 to 5 liters of juice. I clean out the machine (which takes about 5 minutes) after I’m done making all of my juice, and I use a bag in the pulp catching container. Of course, the grocery runs also take time, and the cashiers gave me weird looks when they saw the enormous amount of produce in my cart. If I lived near a grocery store, it would be incredibly easy to keep this going for 45 days like CD did, back in the day.

    If you’re going to get a dedicated juicer, don’t cheap out and get a $100 or $150 one. Those are crap. Get a high-end $350 one. One of the plusses is that it’ll actually save you money on fruit and greens - my juicer leaves me with bone-dry pulp, so I know I’m not leaving much juice behind. If you have soggy pulp, that means you need more fruit/greens to get the same amount of juice, and in the long run that could be more expensive than just getting a more efficient machine. On the other hand, everyone has their own preferences and budgets, and tolerances for cleanup time and prep time. Your mileage may vary.

    I’ve found that it takes 7 large, peeled oranges to make 1 liter of orange juice, so that’s going to be my “breakfast” juice for the remainder of my juice feast. I bag of 14 oranges is $8, so that’s not too bad. I’m having all the spinach, celery, carrots, and kale, that’s all fine, but I spread that out among the other 3 to 4 liters rather than having one ultra green-heavy drink. The fruits balance out the taste of the greens, but my orange juice is just straight oranges. I also have to say that these juices taste a lot better than the "fresh but frozen" juices I had delivered to me back in 2019.

    I’m going somewhat heavy on the apples, since upstate New York is a massive producer of apples and I can get a wide variety of high-quality apples for cheap. Also I just like apple juice. A nice thing about my juicer is that you can just throw in the entire apple with no prep work aside from rinsing it. I also add in some ginger and a portion of the greens / celery for the day. The juicer that I have has a 1 liter container that you can pour into bottles with a funnel, or into your glass. For the days when I have to go to the office in person, I’ll make most of my juice the night before and keep it in the fridge, and I will make my post-work juice totally fresh. It keeps for 24 hours before losing the nutrients, so this should be fine.

    I’m also doing things like strawberry and pineapple, and drinks with grapes and pears. When you mix a few different types of apples together (and a few carrots,) the flavor is better and more interesting than just using one type of apple.

    So far I don’t feel any different, in terms of my symptoms. I’m not sure if it’s something where I’m supposed to feel better during the feast, or if it only happens afterwards. Will It Blend? - Air Soft Gun - YouTube

    When I feel hungry, I drink some juice. It gets rid of the hunger, but I never feel satisfied like I do from food. In 2019, I was extremely hungry by day 2 or 3, and the juices did not taste good. By day 6 and 7, I was fantasizing about food like never before, elaborately planning out what I was going to eat when I was done, and buying several cookbooks. I think this time around I’ll still be looking forward to eating food again, but I won’t be as hungry because I’m definitely getting more calories now. I’m not sure if I’ll do 10 days, or 14 days, or 21 days, or what. I’m leaning towards 14 days right now.

    If this doesn’t give me any noticable results (which would be unexpected,) then probably a month or two afterwards I’ll do a water fast. Water fasting for a week or a few weeks shuts down your testosterone and HTPA to a large extent, and then when you start eating again, there’s a massive spike upwards that can leave you higher than when you started (if you were under-producing previously.) And then also, the receptors are primed and ready for the t-boosting herbs and workouts. This is a way smarter and healthier way to do it compared to taking drugs like clomid, which can give you side effects and unbalance your hormones. Also, clomid can permanently give you eye floaters, or permanently worsen your existing eye floaters.

    I’m not sure how the juice feast works, in terms of what I can expect from it. I don’t know if it’ll give me a testosterone surge or a much stronger sensitivity to the herbs when I’m finished, but that’s what I’m hoping for. We’ll see how it goes.
    Good post.

    You're right about the machines. The more expensive, better quality machines are the way to go, hands down. They are just better at processing then their cheaper counterparts.

    The plus to a high tech blender like the one I have, the K-tech, is that by using that and a nut milk bag, clean up is ridiculously quick. You wash out the pitcher of the blender and rinse out the nut milk bag.....done.

    These are funny videos used to get the point across at how powerful these things are: Will It Blend? - iPad - YouTube :Will It Blend? - Crowbar - YouTube Blendtec Signature Series Blender With Wildside+Jar (90 oz)- Professional-Grade-Self-Cleaning- Black

    With the feast, there is no limit to what you can have. If you are still hungry after five quarts have six or seven. You can't over do it. As long as you sure you're getting the bare minimum of minerals listed on TMO for the feast, you're good to go. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water.

    The difference between cleansing with a juice feast and cleansing with a water fast is energy. With the feast, you're going to have it. Not so much with the fast. This is why the feast cleanses a little slower and easier then the fast because you are still creating cellular waste in the form of digestion. Simple sugar is clean burning, but when you compare it to burning no fuel, you can see how it would slow the cleansing process down.

    A side're not typically going to have any type of libido surge or libido at all for that matter while cleansing. It's the last thing on the bodies mind as it's under going it's "house cleaning." This is normal, so don't be alarmed. Some people will feel great during the fast and others after. You just have to wait and see.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 02-23-2021 at 07:38 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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