Quote Originally Posted by optimistic View Post
Thanks CD, I believe I maybe didn't describe the feeling properly. It's like a 'being high on weed' feeling. It started off with dizziness and now I get this high feeling where it feels like everything is slightly slow, the visual perception is ever so slow. For example, if I see from side to side its exactly like being high, things would move slightly slower. Difficult to describe but I hope you understand what I mean. Are you familiar with this? I haven't heard a lot of people complain about this?
This is because of low allopregnanolone. You're most likely subconsciously going through immense stress and derealisation occurs as your body tries to cope with it.

New mothers often have extremely low progesterone levels after giving birth (postpartum) and this has a knock on effect on allopregnanolone, where they have a lot less allopregnanolone. They therefore describe, in many cases, exactly what you're describing here.