Quote Originally Posted by HOPE View Post
Looks like you’re coming along good my guy. And right here from Ottawa, Vancouverish girls don’t come here often (at least in my city), so I’m saying go for it. I’m in also in a similar spot, where ED isn’t as big of an issue, but have low libido, that weird rubber texture, and as you said, a weird feeling that develops as you’re about to go, but Ima say go for it as it will also help build confidence, you don’t go from get better season to hide your daughter season overnight. Get your feet in the water - the earlier the better.

As for the tinnitus, as I told you in chat, prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Try to delve into it, so as to prepare for living with it for the rest of your life, but also doing everything for it to go away. I think it will.

On a personal note, though, my brother I fucking feel you. I’ve been treating this as some sort of mandatory military time or prison sentence, but we mustn’t do that. If the opportunity presents itself... I say we go for it. Fun. Girls. As long as it’s in or doesn’t mess up something on the protocol.
Yeah mindset is everything with this condition, that why this forum's vibe is such a lifesaver.

I guess I'll try to go for it. It's just gonna be weird going into a sexual encounter and not knowing if you're gonna perform/want it. Oh well. Because even though everything ''works'', I have no primal urge to have sex. What a weird life, will keep this thread updated lol.