Quote Originally Posted by Outlaw View Post
Hey thanks for taking the time.

Downswing doubt is the perfect term. When I feel good and I look back at my downswings, I can't understand how skewed my mindset was.

I just have a hard time with the tinnitus because it's potentially permanent, and I associate that adjective with a lot of anxiety. However, I think if I were 100%, I wouldn't really care about the T. What kills me is the combination of PFS + Tinnitus + too much time to think.

I totally agree some have it worse. However I still feel unlucky in some way, as I got hit with sexual/mental sides and tinnitus from a single 1mg pill.

But you're right, I gotta march forward. As my brother tells me, there's a recovery date somewhere on the calendar, and I have to do everything in my power to avoid having it pushed back.

Going to my bloodtest tomorrow, will order some Alpha Four if my E is still low.

Thanks for the encouraging words. I will buckle up for the ride and report when things improve.
Your brother sounds wise....and he's right.

It is crazy how it can disrupt our reality. But just knowing this, is the key. That, and doing the right things consistently.