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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Nicotine abuser here. I’ve been hooked for almost 10 years now. Not 10 straight, but I started smoking at 15 and have gone periods of years without it. Not too long ago, I was using close to a tin a day of 6mg Zyn for 3-4 months straight. That’s close to 90mgs a day. Do the math.

    Nicotine withdrawals are brutal and can last for months. Depression during and after withdrawal is well documented and has been for a long time. Combine that with the stress of a fast/juice feast and you will feel exactly as you do right now. Your body is normal, it just needs to recalibrate. They’ve done research on the recovery of the nicotinic receptors and system in the brain, and even people who smoked a pack a day for 25+ years recovered the majority, if not all, of their receptors, albeit after a while. Point being, you will recover.

    Every time I quit, without exception, I don’t sleep for 3 days. I cannot control my thoughts and feel schizo. My brain fog is almost unmanageable. I can’t remember anything, and I’m terribly depressed. Then for the next month, I slowly climb back out of the hole and things return to normal. It’s different for everyone though, so give yourself time.

    Breathe. The wim hof is a good substitute for smoking. Not only will it improve and strengthen your respiratory system, it will build your tolerance to stress, clear your head, and give you a similar buzz to the nicotine. Do a round every time you have the urge to smoke.

    You’ll pul through this. I know it.

    Best of luck to you in the meantime,


  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOPE View Post
    It’s definitely partially from the nicotine man. I just despise living like this. I know I seem manic, but, I promise you I’m not like this. Never was. Not even in my worst days before taking the antidepressant. My personality has been completely destroyed away from me. I need to fucking get better. I just fear that I give the protocol everything and I still don’t recover.

    A few reports of people with PSSD, one of them for 12 years, who, “has lived the epitome of health”. The guy says he eats a carnivore diet and is pretty jacked, but hasn’t seen any improvements. That’s really what worries me. Anyways, thanks for the kind words guys. If you’re worried about me actually doing the protocol I wouldn’t, with 0 emotions I can easily force myself to it, the problem, though, is with the results.

    Just terrifies me the idea, that all these chumps on PropeciaHelp and PSSD forums, are doing nothing to get better. I mean, how?! And this dude called Ergogenic Health or whatever is apparently very healthy, is jacked, but still has PSSD. Call me fucking nuts but the only thing giving me hope is the fact that there are facial and body fat changes for me (feminizing), the odd feeling in my right nipple, the lack of libido, the hair shedding, the dry skin, the difficulty to sweat which ultimately mean that there’s something going on hormonally. Man I really miss my fucking feelings. But whatever, I’ll give the protocol a try... if I can get my life back, I’m literally buying CD a Porsche.
    My guy – I don’t want to dismiss your PSSD, but you definitely feel feelings.

    “Man I really miss my feelings” – feeling of longing.
    “Just terrifies me the idea” – feeling of horror/despair.
    “I just despise living like this” – feeling of contempt.
    “The odd feeling in my right nipple” You get the point.

    You do feel things – you are just so stressed out and hyper focused on every negative aspect of your life and health right now that there is literally no room to feel anything positive. You will be gridlocked in this state forever if you don’t detach yourself from this label, if you constantly pick at the scab that is your healing. You know why ergogenic health still thinks he has PSSD? Because he has spent almost every waking moment for the last however many years fucking studying, sitting on forums, analyzing every food, nootropic, drug interaction in his body he’s fucking lost. You need to break up with PSSD. Treat it like that. You ever gone through a breakup? You check your ex’s shit constantly afterwards and it just keeps reopening your wound every time you do? You ever meet those guys that 3 years later they still haven’t moved on? Don’t be that fucking guy. Focus on becoming who you want and enjoying the things that you can – supplement that with healthy living & the protocol. Don’t visit forums, don’t journal your symptoms, just go be the person you are trying to get back to and eventually you will fall into it and the PSSD will dissipate. And remember, the second you analyze your feelings I.e “am i feeling happy right now” or “was this enjoyable” you, by default, separate and distance yourself from them. Don’t ruin good moments by doing this. If you catch yourself sitting back in a group of friends wondering if you’re even enjoying yourself, tell yourself you are and move on. Don’t give it any more thought than that. If you think you should feel sad, tell yourself you’re sad. Validate your initial reactions and feeling every chance you get and don’t spend any more time thinking about it. You can and will reprogram your brain this way. It takes time. It takes practice. It takes discipline, but it’s achievable for anyone willing to do the work. Go get it.

    I’m dipping out this forum for minute & am going to go enjoy my summer. Best of luck to you.

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOPE View Post
    It’s definitely partially from the nicotine man. I just despise living like this. I know I seem manic, but, I promise you I’m not like this. Never was. Not even in my worst days before taking the antidepressant. My personality has been completely destroyed away from me. I need to fucking get better. I just fear that I give the protocol everything and I still don’t recover.

    A few reports of people with PSSD, one of them for 12 years, who, “has lived the epitome of health”. The guy says he eats a carnivore diet and is pretty jacked, but hasn’t seen any improvements. That’s really what worries me. Anyways, thanks for the kind words guys. If you’re worried about me actually doing the protocol I wouldn’t, with 0 emotions I can easily force myself to it, the problem, though, is with the results.

    Just terrifies me the idea, that all these chumps on PropeciaHelp and PSSD forums, are doing nothing to get better. I mean, how?! And this dude called Ergogenic Health or whatever is apparently very healthy, is jacked, but still has PSSD. Call me fucking nuts but the only thing giving me hope is the fact that there are facial and body fat changes for me (feminizing), the odd feeling in my right nipple, the lack of libido, the hair shedding, the dry skin, the difficulty to sweat which ultimately mean that there’s something going on hormonally. Man I really miss my fucking feelings. But whatever, I’ll give the protocol a try... if I can get my life back, I’m literally buying CD a Porsche.

    You need to focus on yourself and on detoxing
    Carnivore diet is an absolute scam and it will guarantee lower hormonal output (it lowers test just like pure keto) and blockages of the body's =no detox
    Do you guys not understand the importance of fruits and carbs especially after workout? Do you know fruits promote 5ar?

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