Quote Originally Posted by Mineiro-up View Post
Small uptade following the last one. Almost a month now on PCT. Things seems to have returned to a baseline. Sleep is ok (7 hours). The difference now is: the ups and downs happens during a week time, I mean, 3 or 4 days with good libido and rocking morning Woods, followed by 3 or 4 days of no libido.

All I can say is that I enjoy my good phases and dont worry about the bad ones.

When I got supressed after my cycle I was very worried of not reaching my baseline again, or taking a long time to reach It. I saw some sad histories of guys (not PFS) taking a year or more to restore their T production after a cycle. Luckly Im back!!! Better than I remember during my up's.
The herb rotation does work as PCT, at least for me. BTW my LEH pinepollen megadose has arrived, it's a huge amount!!
Of course the herbs work as PCT. The protocol itself is a whole body restart. Not too mention that these compounds are relatively light when it comes to suppression. You NEVER have to worry about getting shut down by these PH. If you did, they wouldn't be part of the protocol. Believe me.

Nothing like a big, fresh, brand new bag of pine pollen!!