Quote Originally Posted by Ratchet_V2 View Post
Day 21? Idk – feeling about the same still. Been waking up at full mast, although my sleep still blows. I’ve probably averaged 6 hours a night this cycle. Joints are starting to be a little more poppy, general fatigue towards the end of the day is starting to become more noticeable. Im going to try and run this bottle out this next week and call it at 4 weeks. I’ve enjoyed the cycle & think I’ll have another here in the future, plus I don’t want to overdo it before I head out on vacation. Im slightly worried that I won’t be able to get my herbs through customs, so I’m curious – how bad would it be if I came off cycle, PCT’d for a week and half, and then didn’t run anything for two weeks while on vacation? Im going to do everything I can to avoid that, but its a possibility…

Thanks guys, wish you all well.

I've taken herbs through customs in multiple countries with little to no issue. You should be fine. Also, hair shedding is a good sign if that's something that you had pre-fin, in my opinion.