Quote Originally Posted by MichaelZurich View Post
Dear Maxoutt777

Sorry I tried to read thru a lot of your posts but they are just too many :-) First of all: Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I am suffering for the past 4 years and just started full commitment some weeks ago after a failed HCG trial. My blood work looks pretty much the same as yours except some higher SHBG and E. Have you ever done blood work after your recovery? It would mean a lot to me to stick to it and look forward. Also, besides the herbs have you ever had any benefits of prohormones (I just got a bottle of ultra hard and two bottles of sustain alpha) or anything else beside the protocol? Anything I should pay close attention to?
Kind Regards from Switzerland

Everything I did is on this forum in my posts for PFS recovery. Yes, I did pro-hormones, four cycles to be exact. And I have old bloodwork from a year or so ago, I posted it over on Hack Stasis and I can post here as well when I find it. Test was in the 800s, Estrogen was 25-ish, LH was around the same and FSH was lower a bit, IIRC. SHBG about the same.