Quote Originally Posted by Flapjack View Post
This makes no sense to me. I personally know individuals affected by long covid, and have read studies which indicate symptoms similar to PFS if you catch the virus. These symptoms include persistent ED and brain fog, as well as other neurological issues. it's beyond me why you would want to compound these issues with the ones you already have from PFS. you could REALLY fuck yourself up and set yourself back for god knows how long if you catch the virus. There's a considerable chance this protocol wouldn't help long covid and then you would be well and truly fucked. The vaccine seems to carry far less risk than catching the virus in my opinion.
We all have our opinions. I feel exactly the same way about the vaccine. I have no desire to put a vaccine, that didn't go through the normal approval channels, in my body. I mean, fin went through all the proper channels, and is FDA approved, and look what it does...
Also, this virus will continue to mutate - that's what viruses do. That's why we don't have a cure for HIV, and the flu vaccine rarely works - as I'm sure you know there are more than 300 variants of the flu. Viruses mutate too quickly. Mark my words we will never get a handle on Covid, and this hysteria will continue as long as people continue to tolerate it.

This is a highly debated topic, but I have no desire to argue. Everyone should be able to choose whatever they want for themselves. Based on what I've seen/read, I believe the virus poses less risk to me than the vaccine. Maybe I'm wrong, but we should all be able to do what we want.