Quote Originally Posted by MungYarlon View Post
Brother, you need to relax more. I'm probably going to give some advice which is likely to be frowned upon around here, but judging by the style, length and content of your comment I feel you'll need.

Is it possible for you to take some time off work or whatever other occupation you currently have? If so, take it, and allow yourself to stabilise a bit more. If you have moments where you are completely panicked or lost, take some anti-anxiety meds (the fast working ones) to feel a bit more normal. Obviously don't take them everyday, but only in instances where you really (like REALLY) need them.

Once you start feeling a bit better (which you certainly will) then start the protocol, ditch the medication and get to work.

The only other piece of wisdom I can offer is this. If you feel like its unbearable, and that the protocol isn't working and that you're screwed (you won't be regardless) then think of the future. There are great advancements in gene editing currently (human trials and the like) which will certainly eliminate this condition. We know that its epigenetic changes which have caused the symptoms, and the root of all these is almost certainly at the androgen receptor level.

So stay calm. I can't stress this enough. One way or another, you'll be fine my friend.
Not a big fan of this one. Using anxiety meds is ridiculous because in that state it is so easy to become dependant on them for rescue. I know, because it happened to me. HORRIBLE IDEA. You have to go through it. Feel into the anxiety and it will disappear. Feel it. Be it. Do some breathing exercises that will calm your system down STAY ON THE PROTOCOL....this is a detox symptom. Breath, stay hydrated and exercise....even it's just walking a brisk pace. You'd be amazed at what these natural and free things can do for your anxiety.