Quote Originally Posted by Outlaw View Post
Hey Mal, really interesting stuff.

I just went to see a PT and he told me I was breathing wrong too, and that my sternum was really really tensed. He said it pulls on my neck muscles, which puts pressure on my eustachian tube, which could cause tinnitus and sound sensitivity.

Anyway, he gave me an exercise to do so I'm sharing here in case it helps some guys:

You lie down in bed, put one hand on your bellybutton and one hand on your pelvic bone. You breath through your stomach (so a hand on your sternum would barely move), so that both hands raise. You then exhale in a way that only lowers the bellybutton hand, and keeps the pelvic hand up. Then you empty your air to lower the pelvic hand. Repeat 25x morning and night.

He said this will also help my pelvic floor, which he suspects I have problems with. I had similar problems 2 years ago for a month or two, so it's not too far fetched. He said this exercise should help loosen everything in pelvic area and neck
Yes....breathing with your diaphragm......