Quote Originally Posted by tallstraw View Post
I’m not gonna pretend I understand even a modicum of PFS… but your bloods look fine and in normal ranges. Have you stopped smoking weed? Is your diet good, are you sleeping well, are you working out?

This sounds more psychosomatic than anything else. Or, you’re starting to face the unfortunate reality of getting older and your sex drive start tapering off.

Otherwise idk why you think you have it. What makes you believe you have PFS?

To answer your questions quickly and tell you that you need to read more as well.

1-Yes, prohormones are suppressive to varying degrees. You’ll need a PCT no matter what, to what degree, that’s what you need to learn first.

2-if you’re prone to hair loss on herbs, you will certainly feel it on steroids, much more so. Why is this? You need to do research to find out why.

3-steroids generally can cause snoring ime and others. They notice snoring more on cycle. If that causes you to wake up you may need to not do it. Haven’t really heard of insomnia from most steroids, but there are a few that can really wreck it. You need to do research to find out which ones.

4-plenty, do research.

5- is this a serious question? Do you not put lotion on your arms cuz of hair? Same concept mate, just rub it in dude.

You need to do real research before you fuck yourself up. A good portion of these questions could be answered in literally 2 seconds of google. The old days you would be told to fuck off and do some research because it’s not our job to hold your hand through a simple Google search. Forums were for actual discussions.

Check this out: LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You
Ahhh Tallstraw........lol. How are you man?

Cherry...what he said.