Quote Originally Posted by Michael View Post
Thought I would give a quick update, things been going well for me my friends, diet exercise herbs cold showers etc has pushed me to a very good stable 70% of my baseline. I would have absolutely been a weaker version of myself if not for this place. Libido is coming back nicely and I enjoy sexual activities so much. Stopped working out for a month or two month or two because of a breakup.. honestly it affected me so much that I temporarily relapsed into heavy drinking and inactivity and hopelessness. But Im not stopping untill 100%.
Also guys did you ever have cracking joints? Its related to our stuff right? And also is the loss of penile tissue possible? I know some of us guys deal with narrow penis size. But I came along with the term somewhere and it scared me haha. Wish me luck on the remaining 30% guys. I think I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. ❤️
You won't lose anything. If anything, you'll get everything back then some, IF, you stay the course. You know the deal.