I have been a suffering from PFS for about more than a year. For more details you can check out my post on the introduce yourself page.

This condition has made me a straight up bitch. I didn't realize it until I noticed my own self talk. We all think this way. Some more so than others.

Here is my self talk when I am being a bitch :-

Will I be okay?.Is the protocol I am doing right?. Will I ever be desirable to women?.Even if I recover no way I can compete with healthy people in my career space?. Has anyone even recovered fully?. Maybe C.D is a scammer or the people who recovered got lucky( no offense to you C.D, it's just the doubting mind)?. My genes suck. Why me?.

Guys we all know there is just one path to recovery. Being as healthy as we can and while keeping our minds busy. Almost every recovery has 3 elements :-

1. Belief that it's doable
2. Consistency
3. Doing what works for you.

C.D's protocol is a general guideline. Maybe it only helps you recover 80 percent( that's where most dudes plateau for the longest). Dude that's free advice. Like how entitled are we. Everything is written down. Just have to do it. Like in my case I have a folate and B12 absorption and processing problem and a Thyroid problem. That is something I have to take care of outside the protocol. So no most probably the protocol won't make you a 100 percent of your past self. You have to fight some of those battles yourself. But if free advice gets me to 80 percent ill take it. More guys have recovered here than the whole of propeciahelp. That should tell you something.

Anyway I have just been dabbling in the protocol. Like a lot of people. Doing it for two weeks than a few days off. Not doing everything properly. Getting comfortable and lazy. Well that's going to change and I am going to set an example.

I am starting a Youtube Channel and I am going to post a daily/ weekly accountability video. It will show my progress. People are shit scared of showing their face. Well I know it's for valid reasons. Anyway I will be posting only audios and pictures. Showing my transformation. I am interested in being as valuable a person I can be to myself, my family and society.

I am only 22, I am a college dropout, I don't have a dollar to my name, I come from a second world county, I got dumped by my girlfriend when I got sick, I have a room to myself and food to eat. I have always been a sickly person. I have a thyroid condition. I have set a lofty goal of making a million dollars in revenue by 2027. I am as average as average can be. Actually I am in one of the worse situations possible.

So every excuse that can possible exisist for most of you. I have too. Yet I am going to do it or die trying. Everytime you think you have it tough or your alone remember that there is a kid out there doing what your doing and is going to recover before you do if you don't give it your best.

I currently have covid. So once I am recovered. I am going to start posting.

This is the best time to be alive as a human, and ill be damned if I missed out on all these opportunities because I was feeling sad for myself.