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  1. #1
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    0 Thread(s) last thing, which I feel is very important evidence of dopamine recovery, is that I'm once again craving certain songs/music throughout the day. This is something I used to feel all the time, but appreciation for music disappeared along with everything else many months ago.

  2. #2
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    Well, looks like I've caught the first cold Ive had in 3 years and 3 months. I mistook the early symptoms for an impending downswing a couple of days ago and then it suddenly hit me like a truck last night. Full body aches and head pressure and fatigue. Temperature hovering at only about 100 though. I'm wondering if all the healthy living, including taking shilajit and royal jelly alongside my other herbs most days is what allowed this sickness to sort of hang in the background for a couple of days before it finally caught up with me. It was so subtle the first two days that I was still working out and doing HIIT, just wondering why my muscles were so sore and my sexual functioning was taking a nosedive for the first time in a while.
    Anyhow, all the healthy living has me really hating illness right now. I'm just not content to love in bed and watch movies like I would have been in the past. I keep looking over at the sunshine outside and feeling an urge to go do something.
    My new approach for this is going to be to take royal jelly and shilajit, and fast except for bone broth and apple cider vinegar. Still sitting out in the sun and taking vitamin d as well.
    Seems so strange to me that I get sick for thefirst time in over 3 years while I'm in the midst of the protocol and living the healthiest I ever have.....literally the last thing I wanted to deal with right now, when everything was going so well.

  3. #3
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    So, now that I've done some research, it no longer seems ironic that I've just now gotten a flu sickness for the first time in over 3 years. I've somehow managed to go all these years without knowing that apparently higher testosterone and androgen levels in general make mens immune system more susceptible to these kinds of illnesses. This actually explains everything, including the fact that many on here have noted men struggling with PFS rarely get sick. In other words, I take this illness as a good sign, and it did indeed seem to come out of nowhere when I felt on top of my game physically/strength wise.

  4. #4
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    ...also, I really must confirm at this point the observations about my hair oiliness and facial hair growth rate having picked back up. First time I've looked at my head hair in the mirror and was genuinely happy to see it so quickly become oily and showing my scalp. The shit was dry and fluffy most of the past 6+ months, and that's really not normal for me. Fuck the hair. The worse it looks the better I feel.

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