Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
Just wanted to say that I have been on what I call a DHT blas upswing for 3 weeks straight now, save for maybe 3 days peppered throughout that period that I either felt lethargic or asexual or both. The good news is that I keep bouncing back from these little dips (I cant even call them downswings at this point). I have been totally focused and taking no breaks or shortcuts whatsoever this whole period, hoping to get the most out of all the obvious hormonal and biological activity going on. I actually hit a 10 day long no fap streak early on in this upswing (actually I fapped most of those days, but didnt cum for 10 days), and that seemed to REALLY kick shit into high gear. Whenever I feel like I might be a little weak at the weights or like my energy might be dipping on the bike during HIIT, I just double down and go even harder. I can swear I've reversed these dips a number of times just over the course of a single workout just by pushing myself to the extreme and focusing my mental efforts at blowing past my limitations. There were a few days that I feel were going to go one way, but after my workout, they turned right the fuck around and then spurred on an upward trend in the days following. Feels like I'm engaged in a wrestling match at this point, but I'm victorious with a little extra effort most of the time.

Last point of interest is that Herb Pharm's eleuthero root extract is great. I got a great kick from it (2 droppers in the morning and 2 in the afternoon) on the first run, and will definitely be ordering the bigger bottle next time.

Feeling more normal than I have since crashing lately...I can feel and taste victory at this point, and it has me so incredibly focused and aggressively intent on reaching my destination. My fiance keeps pointing out some thing or another, whether it be my sexual performance or what she calls the smell of testosterone I'm apparently emitting on a regular basis, and claiming that so far as she can tell, I am healed. While I.know that isnt the case yet, it feels pretty good to at least pass for healed by someone so close to you.
Proud of you dude! You know things are going up when other people notice the positive changes .