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  1. #6
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    New York State
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    Second thing: FB is kind of awful; in the past they gave unlimited reach to your FB page, but that stopped years ago. If you’re lucky, 10% of your page’s “like” population will see your posts. A FB group has better reach.

    With FB, they own your list. They control your access to it and charge you money to promote messages to it, and charge you money to buy ads.

    An email mailing list is something YOU own, and YOU control. This is the asset you must build, not a Facebook page, to get the most traction.

    The best way to build your mailing list, IMO, is through social media (other than FB, as they make it extremely hard to build your list through them without an ad account.) YouTube is huge, you could make videos on different topics but if you don’t want to make videos, old fashioned articles on your website will improve its search ranking and eventually bring in a flow of organic traffic from google searches.

    For articles, you’d want 50+ articles that are ~1,000 words each, with properly chosen titles and subheadings. If you could cover 200+ topics like this with quality articles, you’d start getting way more organic traffic (meaning people who don’t know you from the message board, etc.)

    Next thing: if you’re serious about this, you really should have a product to sell people, not just affiliate links. And by product, I don’t mean TMO merch. You can create an online course version of the info you give for free — yes, the same info — in a video format. It could even be PowerPoint style with you doing a voiceover. The full course might be $99 or $199, and people who sign up for the mailing list would get a free shorter course to get them started, and help them realize that the big course is worth it.

    Some people fiercely prefer videos over reading, and will pay for video. Also, people are more likely to listen to and implement info if they paid for it.

    So the short course would cover just something that could be done in a month, people get benefits and go “okay this worked, so the paid course will be more of what I already like.” Your market is for people who want a step by step VIDEO course, that also goes more in depth.

    Another way to build an audience would be a TMO podcast.

    There was a brand called “Create Awesome Online Courses” which had a comprehensive guide, but they shut down to focus on their more profitable website design business. I did get the course on their “going out of business” sale.

    The basic formula is: build a mailing list using a podcast, YouTube, blog, etc, then you give them the free video course. Then X days later you hit them with the full course offer. He actually recommends only doing 2 sales periods per year, 2 weeks each, so people feel pressure to buy once it’s available.
    Last edited by LetsGo; 08-28-2022 at 01:05 AM.

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