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  1. #221
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AltRoute View Post
    Even though I’m still recovering I’m at the point where I can say I’m substantially better than I was when crashing and doing nothing, so back in like Feb/ March I confirmed under fellow SS member Zonz on this PH post /thread on how TMO has been a godsend to Finasteride recovery and how it’s not a death sentence , and the mods flooded my inbox saying how i was breaking rules and creating harm. Ended up getting banned but idgaf, that place is cancer

    btw I was godsplan
    Imagine how I felt ten years back when I thought everyone was going to be so over joyed and happy that they had a way out. I was so naive.

    It is a cancer. THEY are the ones causing harm by lying to everyone telling them something doesn't work when it clearly does, lol.

    Stay the course. You'll get there.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #222
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
    Yeah I try to pay it forward as one of the first things I read on that site was how severe cases cannot recover (which turned out to be false).

    Some moderator who’s had PFS fot 20 years censored my thread to remove parts where I said PFS wasn’t permanent lol

    And of course many others said how my recovery was just due to time passing or luck.. sigh
    Karma points coming your way brother, for sure.

    You would think people suffering needlessly for 20 years would jump at/want to try something that has a proven track record for recovery. I guess i could see if in the beginning, they were trepidatious, but it's been a fucking decade

    Some people you just can't reach .......
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  3. #223
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 xxaleksi's Avatar
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    Hey all,

    I wanted to update this thread with some information that I think might be of importance to guys who are currently on their recovery journeys.

    During my own journey, I did four full prohormone cycles in total. The first two were Andro Hard (Muscle Gelz), the third one was Ultra Hard solo and the fourth one was a stack of Ultra Hard and Alpha Four (4-Andro).

    My fourth cycle is what brought back my libido in full force and really ”pushed” me to recovery sort of. All benefits stuck post cycle and this is when I started to really feel alpha, quick witted and confident etc. again.

    How am I now? Well, I felt recovered after that fourth cycle so around May-June of 2021. During this time I found a new girlfriend and actually felt like a normal human being for the first time in YEARS. I had split up from my previous gf a couple months prior, who I was with the two years of my recovery.

    During this time we unknowingly bought a Trichothecene mycotoxin infested mattress, there was nothing visibly wrong with the mattress, no strange smells etc. But everytime I slept on it I had bad throat and nose pain. My gf had no symptoms. I figured it was probably allergies and would take care of it later. Little did I know I was poisoning myself every night.

    Over the course of a month and a half I slowly got sensitized to the mycotoxin. I also had lots of nosebleeds and ear pain during this time but didn’t connect the dots. Then in July, shit really hit the fan and my toxic bucket overloaded - I started wheezing, got heart palpitations, throat pain, chills, very bad muscle weakness to the point I couldn’t go up stairs and could barely hold my phone. I thought it was covid as I’m unvaxxed but the test was negative. Around this time I realized it was the mattress causing the issues and got rid of it immediately. The bad muscle weakness and wheezing went away, but over a few weeks I started getting new symptoms - stomach cramping, nausea, ataxia, was salivating like crazy, almost drooling. Strange taste in my mouth. I then started getting an intense feeling of dread/impending doom, like something really bad was going to happen to me soon, but it was without any real anxiety or depression really. Just a feeling of being in danger and really strong too. I thought I was going to die. It was very different from pfs anxiety.

    I think it was some kind of neuro-inflammation similar to what Lyme patients can get. Mycotoxins and the poisons from the Lyme bacteria both cause a similar inflammatory cascade in the body.

    My gf also spent a few weeks in a hospital during this time due to several serious infections which I think might be connected as mycotoxins suppress the immune system (for example, the immune suppressing drug CellCept is a mycotoxin derivative).

    I ended up having to flee to a hotel as I noticed the symptoms would get much better when away from my apartment. While at the hotel I figured my symptoms were most likely due to T2 mycotoxin poisoning which is a highly toxic compound. Sucks that I can’t sue the fucker who sold me this shit.

    This stuff is really noxious and sticks to everything like hair, clothes and belongings and follows you everywhere so I had to get all of my stuff professionally cleaned which was really expensive. And had to replace some things as well. Still have many of my old belongings in a rented storage place and I get convulsions if I go there for longer than a few minutes. Seems like I’m permanently sensitized to this garbage. All in all, a massive fiasco, right after I recovered from PFS.

    I then fasted on water for 14 days to get the toxins out of my system, and felt like a whole new person afterwards. Completely fixed the poisoning symptoms as well as gut issues I had even pre fin. It was 14 days on water + a week of refeeding. Got super skinny but it was worth recovering from the symptoms I had.

    After my fast I just lived healthily for six months or so but eventually slipped back into a shitty diet and alcohol every once in a while - though I was still exercising when I could. Ran a prohormone cycle in the summer and got super lean despite the bad diet.

    It was about a month ago that I really got back into the protocol full force, and I truly feel amazing again. I love it. The confidence and overall feeling of vitality is great. I’m only using 7 herbs at the moment though, will increase over time.

    So yeah, I’d say I’m doing great right now despite the setbacks last year. PFS is a distant memory at this point. I talk so several guys from here on Discord and elsewhere, and talking to them really brings back the awful memories of PFS. Thankfully I’ve mostly forgotten the horrors of it. Feel great everyday now. I also started another new relationship recently. Living a normal life, feels better than ever after the horrors of finasteride.

    Anyways, bit of a rambling post but wanted to write something as the forum’s really quiet these days. Happy healing to all of you and feel free to DM me for advice if needed.
    Last edited by xxaleksi; 10-05-2022 at 03:09 PM.

  4. #224
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    Congrats, and thanks for checking in! I’m glad to hear that you fully recovered from the mold as well, the water fast was a smart move.

  5. #225
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    This kid full.of bulkshit man
    Was fucking after two.months

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