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  1. #61
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    hi, 4 weeks into the ultrahard now and honestly I feel nothing. Disappointed really as I was excited about the ph cycle. Anyway an issue AI am trying to fix now is my gut issue, I am not passing solid stools, but they are too watery so am taking 3 oregano pills daily to try to help curb this, I have also decided to eliminate the coconut oil to see is that the culprit. My weight is staying the same surprisingly even with the excess calories from the potatoes during the ph cycle which adds around 1000 calories daily. It's left me worried a bit. On days it even goes down.
    Last edited by Thetfordboy; 09-30-2022 at 03:00 PM.

  2. #62
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    Hey so finished the 1st round of ultra hard-6 weeks on it yesterday the 17th October. Am now back on the herbs. Sexually still 0 but the journey still goes on...

  3. #63
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    Just an update, I've been having terrible bother with loose stools for months. I was only going once a day but still it was too lose. I have been taking oregano oil to no avail so I tried tweeks with my diet. At the start I thought it might be the coconut oil so cut it but no joy. I now have cut sweet potatoes and replaced them with normal potatoes and cut out the sauerkraut. It appears this has finally done the trick yet it's still only a few days in so I'll just wait and see.

  4. #64
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    Hey just an update. I've sorted out the stool issue. Seems by cutting out the sweet potatoes it has done the trick. I've changed it to normal potato now and I've cut carb backloads down to 500g of potato as the 1600g was too much and my stomach was bloated so I've cut about 500-600 calories on training days.

    I'm stuck at the same weight, since I finished the hormones, I went down to 11 stone 6 lbs. I'll be starting round 2 of hormones on 12th December. As the ultra-hard had no effect I'll be taking super Andro and I've ordered androvar too, which I might use.

    Sexually I'm still dead, terrible ed and no libido. My diet is pretty much the same as posted although I've cut out fruit on non-training days and just keep in a banana for after training.
    Last edited by Thetfordboy; 12-03-2022 at 04:25 AM.

  5. #65
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    I’m glad you sorted out the bowel movement problem. I’m going to try Super R Andro again in probably a few weeks as well, hopefully it will help speed things up a little.

  6. #66
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    Just an update: On 2nd cycle of prohormones. Started on Monday 12th December. Did 4 pumps of Super Andro with 3 androvar daily. I felt nothing really from it, slight bit more energy at gym and a little bit of a wired feeling but that subsided in the early days. I upped the super andro to 6 pumps yesterday-the 16th of December.

  7. #67
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    Fucking spastic

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thetfordboy View Post
    Just an update: On 2nd cycle of prohormones. Started on Monday 12th December. Did 4 pumps of Super Andro with 3 androvar daily. I felt nothing really from it, slight bit more energy at gym and a little bit of a wired feeling but that subsided in the early days. I upped the super andro to 6 pumps yesterday-the 16th of December.
    Hello there...wondering how you are doing on the protocol...any updates from you?

  9. #69
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    I was in a discord and he seemed pretty down like it wasn't working. He seemed but harder than I tonight

    He's a bit of a cunt to me but I hope er.all recover it doesn't seem like it's helping him in anyway

  10. #70
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    How's the protocol going champ? 😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂

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