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  1. #91
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Great post and well done. It’s so nice to have some positivity back on the forum. Let’s keep it going!

  2. #92
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 GoldenSun's Avatar
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    Makes me happy to hear man. Like the post above me said, I'm glad we are returning to a positive attitude on this forum once again!

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mjw1999 View Post
    Great post and well done. It’s so nice to have some positivity back on the forum. Let’s keep it going!
    Thanks man

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldenSun View Post
    Makes me happy to hear man. Like the post above me said, I'm glad we are returning to a positive attitude on this forum once again!
    Thanks...and yeah, not sure what the hell happened with this place while I was gone, but glad it's been cleaned up. People who might be dropping in to see if they want to undertake this protocol really shouldn't be exposed to that kind of lunacy from people who arent even doing the work.

  5. #95
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    This thread was a beautiful read for me and gave me more knowledge and inspiration to follow through with this at 100% effort

    I am a new case so I am still in the early dark days but the most important thing I have learned is to stay positive and it will be over before you know it.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurse View Post
    This thread was a beautiful read for me and gave me more knowledge and inspiration to follow through with this at 100% effort

    I am a new case so I am still in the early dark days but the most important thing I have learned is to stay positive and it will be over before you know it.
    Just keep at it man, trust the process. Once a few things start improving and the ball gets rolling you'll have all the momentum with you.

  7. #97
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    Hello again fellas ..I'm kinda just writing to put an entry in here since it's been so long since my last update. The update is, everything is still basically the same as before. That is, in this context, a great thing. That means yet another chunk of months has elapsed with no crashes, no real downswings, and some mild progress. I've had a few 1-3 day "dips" here and there, but even that is becoming pretty rare. I sort of has this long, slow landing following the last dramatic upswing, which lasted about 3-3.5 months, and am back at the new baseline, which is ever so much closer to "normal" in the sexual category but, like I've said before, better than my previous normal in so many other facets, like strength, energy, stamina, mental perspective, mood, etc.
    I am still getting these stretches of days where I am, by all appearances, completely normal sexually (or at least so close that I can't distinguish), so I remain hopeful that this will eventually stick. Hell, I occasionally have flashes of better-than-normal sexual functioning.
    I feel like I've almost completed my Hero's Journey. I am a couple weeks past the 1 year mark of starting the protocol 100%, and it is routine normalcy for family and friends to come to me for health and exercise advice now. Strange but true. I got this far in this relatively short span of time without ever even opening my Ultra Hard. Who knows, I might be long past finished with all this if I had cycled the PHs, but it didnt feel necessary then, and it certainly doesn't now. Maybe I was enjoying destroying my old self too much. I know I have learned to enjoy that over the last year.
    Anyway, probably not going to be much in the way of updates from here until the true end, but I will absolutely come back to notify the forum of my official recovery when the time comes....

  8. #98
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    That's awesome to hear you are steadily getting better. Happy that you are at the comfortable stage in your recovery sexually, physically and mentally. Keep it up tho, we will get to 200%

  9. #99
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    Back for another update after a long hiatus. It doesn't seem like it's really been 8.5 months since I last posted, but I've also noticed my perception of time has been very strange since the start of PFS. I get so caught up in my day to day protocol quota that I totally lose track of an entire week at times.
    For the most part, I've stuck to the same program that brought me success since the beginning. Only changes have been the occasional workout schedule shift and the introduction of Bulbine Natalensis (Barlowes brand) to my herb rotation.
    On the side of symptoms and healing progress, that continues to move forward as well. I can't say I have had many bad downswings since my last post, but there was one mild one that lasted a couple of weeks back in July.
    Other than that one, from which I bounced back with an insanely strong upswing, I'm still just getting these mini downswings (dips, as I call them) here and there, lasting for maybe a few days at worst. Aside from the negatives, I've had a series of long upswings this year, some kind of seemingly building on one another, only interrupted by a short dip of a few days or so before taking off again. It's a little difficult to precisely explain, but the long in the short of it is that they seem to be getting much longer, and stronger, and I can almost see how I will eventually take off on an upswing that basically just keeps going (i.e., complete recovery will be attained)
    Hair fall has picked up pace more and more, and it is almost back to its pre-PFS rate, but not entirely. Ive also noticed that my body odor waxes and wanes in direct relation to my hormonal health, for whatever that's worth.
    I mentioned the bulbine natalensis herb earlier, and just want to say that I personally am in love with this one. I only take one capsule on that day, as recommended, and I think 9 out of 10 times so far I have had an extremely positive reaction. One of those times I just didn't feel anything, as occasionally happens with many of the herbs.
    One last little story I'll relay to you regards creatine. I finally decided to start creatine abut a week ago, and ordered Naked brand. I dosed at 5 grams for about 6 days, and began to feel pretty bad a few days in. I still don't know, and will probably never know, if this was directly caused by the creatine, but I sort of flipped out over the possibility of having fucked myself, and in a fit of rage, grabbed the 2 lb container and ran outside and dumped it all out. That was earlier today. Im.not sure how I feel about that choice of action now, but suffice it to say I will likely be waiting until full recovery before I revisit the creatine situation 😀

  10. #100
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Good luck you luckybbastard

    I was mild pfs for years and ducked it up

    Should have asked Dr advice about the qorkplace.cunts 2019

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