Quote Originally Posted by Grape Ape View Post
I've done my research so I know what to expect, but I do like to get reports of first hand experience and be able to ask my questions. This is the best place to do this...

With the disappearance of 11-KT spray and the extini of Androlean, the next best option is 11-oxo in bulk powders.

For those who have run 11-oxo, what was your dosage, cycle leangth and experience?

I'm looking at 800-1000mg for 6 weeks right now. This will be stacked of course. Anyone run this high of a dose?
500 around 400mg (forget the exact dosage, it was CEL's '11-sterone'. Worked very well on a cut, with noticeable leaning. Ran it for 5 weeks the first time and 3 weeks for another (bridge).

It seemed to have preserved muscle but I had zero increases on strength/hypertrophy/performance/intensity. Perhaps a more anabolic effect is exhibited at 1g dosages, but even then it is likely to be very mild.