Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
This is such a classic Propecia Help post. This is part of the reason you're still struggling so much OP. Instead of spending time fixing your problem you're researching all the horror stories and reasons you're fucked up beyond repair. Are you looking to prove to yourself you're fucked for life? You can make this so much better and get everything back and then some if you'll just buckle down and sacrifice a few years at most of hard work and discipline, but the choice is yours. No one on here, or those who mean a lot to you in life can make that decision for you.
Classic cdnut S yank shit E

This cunt
Had mild pfs
Look at his Propecia help.profile he has a little bit of insomnia and some.muscle wastage indifference more than this cunt and recovered to.a.similar level

Not onlynthay but untried this ducking "protocol" and it made zero difference tome.whereas I do Had done try it hcg would have been over the finish line

Taking tribulus lol and not hcg tr T fucking joke
Stupid yank spastic cunt

I've seen you oh orofile.you had mild pfs

Hothead is. A test but you giving him this yank mituvational.shit that he isn't try T hard enough

You ducking piece of shite

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Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
Thank you for your kind words Driven, if you're 40% now, know that it is a pretty quick process to jump to 70/80%, but for me to get to 100% i had to have long breaks from all discussion about the whole topic.

Now i am fully well again, i realise i want something else too - freedom of mind.

You are correct that it is enjoyable to give advice and i became addicted to it. I have had to wean myself away LOL. Now though i am looking to the future, with lots of challenges in business as well as fun to be had with my young family including my beautiful boy of 18 months now. To do that i can't be having half a mind in the past typing and reading about an illness that is as much an illusion of the mind as anything else (not meant in any way to denigrate the seriousness of being in it though- remember i was there myself)
Illusions can be extremely powerful, and nobody should be in any doubt regards CD's words earlier in this thread, that if you surround yourself with misery, you get misery, surround yourself with positivity, action etc. that's what you get too. Most people reflect the sum total of the 5 closest people and/or influences they surround themselves with, so you should choose your company very well.
This forum has become one of my 5 influences and what a wonderful place it is, but i am well now so i must replace it with a 5th influence that is a real person, connected with my future, not the past.
I'm not running screaming from the past 3 years though, they have been glorious and a wonderful opportunity to solve the worlds most personal puzzle. If you get it wrong you get pain! I've chatted here with both idiots and clever and resourceful people, becoming enduring friends with some. Nothing could have been better as a challenge and along with love, that is when man is truly living, and some of the guys on here could do with understanding that; everything is an opportunity if you truly see it as such.

These finally are my last words on the subject and the last time i will ever visit this forum or any other on this topic, so don't waste your time with replying, spend your time more wisely, you will never get it again.

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Despise this ducking thick cunt
Absolute ducking arrogant regard
Mild pfs and he thinks he fucking climbed Everest the arrogant English cunt
If live to saw his legs off