Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
No...I can't.

Firstly, I have way too many other things to attend to besides listing the perceived strength and weakness of each herb. This isn't what your focus should be on.

Secondly, I don't think you get it. It's not about what herbs are in your rotation, for the most part...at all. The benefits of the herbs come from rotating as many of them as you can WHILE doing EVERYTHING else listed in the protocol. You have WAY to much focus on Trib, for some strange reason.

And please, stop comparing Tribulus to Clomid. It's ridiculous.

So to clarify....you think that by taking an 1/8 of a Trib pill, every 14 days caused you all of these issues? Come on dude.

You need to stop focusing so much on something that isn't important in the overall scheme of things. In the other group I don't think I heard someone say Tribulus so much in such a short amount of time as I have from you. STOP!!!

It's just not necessary.

One herb per day for either a seven, fourteen or twenty one day cycle......THAT'S IT. The combination of these things along with the rest of the protocol is what is going to fix you. To put so much importance on one herb is nonsense.
I want to shit E On your face you cu t
You knew Clomid was stronger and more effective but you coukdntnbankmany monetarily that you yank piece of shot

Hope ducking China nukes you cunts