Then try TRT. You gotta do something. What you are doing now is useless. You need to try shit to see what works and what doesn't. Use the anger you feel towards getting better. Instead of focussing it on people like cdsnuts and others. Nobody owes you shit mate. Don't forget that. People do this stuff out of their own time and energy. So should you.

If you choose to follow a guy on the internet, a doctor or something else, it's still on you. Other peoples ideas COULD help you. But they can also be wrong for you.

This forum was almost the only forum where people had some sort of relief at the very least. And a good amount of recovered guys who got their lives back. If you don't agree with the protocol outlined here you need to do another protocol (incl. seeing a doctor if needed) or figure things out on yourself. Those are the choices pretty much.