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  1. #131
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    Been MIA here recently.

    Got SLAMMED by the flu. I mean bad. The test for detecting it typically takes 10 minutes to verify if you have it. It took me 2 minutes.
    Got hooked up to an IV and filled up with fluid, antibiotics, antiviral, and steroids.
    This was 10 days go, I finally went back to work today.

    Needless to say, I've been out of the gym since then. I also dropped the trest a few days into everything. I'm hoping to be back into the gym in a few days. Need to catch up for lost time, less than 3 weeks to the competition.
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  2. #132
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Sperwer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cobalt View Post
    Been MIA here recently.

    Got SLAMMED by the flu. I mean bad. The test for detecting it typically takes 10 minutes to verify if you have it. It took me 2 minutes.
    Got hooked up to an IV and filled up with fluid, antibiotics, antiviral, and steroids.
    This was 10 days go, I finally went back to work today.

    Needless to say, I've been out of the gym since then. I also dropped the trest a few days into everything. I'm hoping to be back into the gym in a few days. Need to catch up for lost time, less than 3 weeks to the competition.
    Right there with you bro - see my new post.
    "The purpose of today's training is to defeat yesterday's understanding."

  3. #133
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sperwer View Post
    Right there with you bro - see my new post.
    Wow, that's rough. I always hate going to the doctor when I feel like crap, only to get the "we don't know" or "you have nothing" diagnosis.
    I started showing symptoms at the start of the week, but each new symptom to show up could have been related to something else. It wasn't until the 102 fever that I went in.

    I managed to get back to the gym yesterday. Kinda sucked, but I was there. Did a whole lot of light weight stuff and tried to hit most of my muscle groups. After being out for 2 weeks, I don't want to be retarded sore by jumping back into it. Still feel weak, but that will pass.
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  4. #134
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    Small update.

    Over the 2 weeks of being out of the gym, I managed to lose 5 lbs. I was up to 224 when I went into the doctors at the onset of the flu. Yesterday I weighed in at 219 at the gym.

    Started trest back up now that the flu is totally gone. I decided to kick it up to 100mg/day and see what this stuff can do. Competition is in 10 days and I want to be setting new PR's.

    Finally did some heavy stuff again. Did some deadlifting yesterday.

    Normal DL:

    135 x 10
    225 x 10
    275 x 10
    275 x 10
    315 x 5
    315 x 5
    365 x 1 x 10

    I could have easily done more weight, but didn't want to go from nearly 3 weeks of no deadlifts to really heavy. Next week will really be heavy.

    Sumo Deficit DL:

    135 x 10 x 4
    185 x 8 x 4

    Finished off with some GHD work and shrugs. Gotta do some benching and squatting before the week is out so I can kill it next week.
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  5. #135
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about the heavy flu brahh. How's your body recovering so far, you feel you'll be at your fullest potential in two weeks???

  6. #136
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
    Sorry to hear about the heavy flu brahh. How's your body recovering so far, you feel you'll be at your fullest potential in two weeks???
    Body is recovering greatly. Slow at first, but I think I'm almost 100% again. I've had a nice string of illnesses over my life that 'stick with you' for the rest of your life, so the flu really brought them back out. I have a lingering cough still, but its just small amounts of fluid in my lungs, no infection thankfully.

    I'm sure I'll be in great shape for the competition.

    Did some heavy benching today.
    Weighed in at 222.4 today. Already put on weight in the past 48 hours since my DL workout. Trest is still running good at 100mg/mL.

    Normal Bench:

    Bar x 20
    135 x 5
    185 x 5
    185 x 5
    225 x 3
    225 x 3
    245 x 3
    255 x 3 <--3RM PR
    275 x 1 <--1RM PR
    275 x 1
    295 x 1 <--1RM PR

    Fucking blown away by those numbers. 1RM PR has been floating around 260 for a couple years, couldn't break that plateau to save my life. I did 255 x 2 at the start of the Cube Method training as a 2RM PR, so you can see the progress going on here.

    Rounded out with some shoulder and lat training. Also did some close-grip benching for higher reps.

    My goal for the competition is 315 for bench. I'm 20 lbs away from that after today, and considering the volume prior to the 295 press, 315 seems very realistic. Normally I wouldn't push that hard, but I'd like to see where I am at with only 9 days to go. I think I could have broken 300 without issue, but the 295 was a bit shaky, and failure is taboo for the Cube Method.
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  7. #137
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    Competition day.

    I arrived at the gym at 7:45am, it was scheduled to start at 8am. The parking lot was abandoned.

    Apparently, the competition was canceled, but no one told me. The flyers were still up too.

    Kinda pissed right now, no clue what is going to happen.
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  8. #138
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cobalt View Post
    Competition day.

    I arrived at the gym at 7:45am, it was scheduled to start at 8am. The parking lot was abandoned.

    Apparently, the competition was canceled, but no one told me. The flyers were still up too.

    Kinda pissed right now, no clue what is going to happen.
    Sorry to hear that man I saw you updated this thread and it was stoked to hear your results.
    Fuck it thou power lifting is against yourself so go into the gym and have your own meet and hit your lifts.

  9. #139
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Cobalt's Avatar
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    So, trest.

    Made about 4 grams of it in a GSO base at 100mg/mL. Some of you may have seen it in a trest thread on the fourms.

    Started out at 25mg/day. Felt good, but nothing crazy.

    Quickly bumped it up to 50mg/day. A lot came rolling out at this point. Strength went up, felt better, enjoyed the gym more. Good stuff.

    Kicked it up to 75mg/day, and this is where it shined. Holy crap it was intense. Strength went up, broke some PR's, felt great.

    Tried 100mg/day for about a week. That was rough. It felt like I only got a minor boost in strength, but side effects started showing up.

    Sides were irritating to me. Energy started to falter, night sweats, and a general uneasy feeling... kind of a cloudy feeling in my head. Granted, that was mainly at the 100mg/day dose. At the 25 and 50mg doses, sides didn't exist. Night sweats came about at 75mg/day, but they weren't too bad.

    The run was pretty good overall. I did drop it for a week when I was hit by the flu, mainly because the night sweats were killing me. Having a fever is bad enough, so trest only made it that much worse. Libido was way up the whole time I was on it, felt like I was 16 again. Over the 5-ish weeks that I used it, I put on about 6 pounds, including the fact that I lost a good bit when the flu hit.

    I didn't use an AI while on, although I could see having to use one for longer cycles at 50-75mg/day. I would say that a good cycle with it would be 75/mg a day by itself, or 50mg/day stacked with something else. I know some people wonder if this could be a test base for a cycle, and it feels like it could be so long as the rest of the AAS/PHs being used aren't excessive.

    So all in all, it was a good run. I'll be running it again sometime, but with prices on the rise it may be a while. Not to mention that I'm still technically in PCT.
    If you can bench more than you can squat, you're doing it wrong!

  10. #140
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Cobalt is it just what I read from your logs, or do you get hit by the flu often?
    Were the nightsweats caused by the Trest (kinda like the Tren effect) or was it mainly due to the flu?

    Nice review bud! Let us know how you recover through PCT.

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