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  1. #1
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) nate3993's Avatar
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    Naw...,don't add won't help reducing it.....I know weekend noticed much better reduction when he dropped test and he wasn't even on a high dose. As far as the DHT....I'd just invest in 250 bucks worth of proviron from evolved...youre guaranteed delivery. And dose that shit high...150 a day....just a suggestion for a DHT product that you wouldn't have to stress out about not getting and at ers's could get a lot of viron

  2. #2
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    Thanks, that was kinda what I was thinking-- if DHT if the anti-gyno powerhouse then why mess with test? DHT might not have much of an anabolic effect but I am certainly noticing more hardness and energy/aggression, so it is eliciting a recomp effect and that's just great. Jeli, if you see this please feel free to chime in. My other question is whether there's any point in adding an AI while on DHT exclusively as DHT doesn't aromatize and indeed has a bit of an anti-estrogenic effect in it own right.

  3. #3
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Well, initially I was against testosterone use, as it really can more backfire than fight gyno- but recently I've changed my opinion and sided with Weekend, for other reasons than gyno: from old pp forum I had impression of you as a well organised person, but somehow it seems that you are slippping away, I mean all thins anti-gyno cycle was not well executed, and generally I've got a feeling that you are not really feeling too good, and I think for that reason test would be helpful. Not high dose, but maybe 150. So basically, I would kind of bridge current cycle with TRT as it seems that this can take a longer time. Obviously as estrogen is issue AI is must have, but even with HCG only you seems that you aromatise a lot anyway, so only you need to increase AI dose.
    Adding proviron is not bad idea, you dont really need that much, maybe 2X 25mg a day on top of masteron.

  4. #4
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    You're right it was a bit hasty, and that was because I was desperate to find something to reduce gyno. this was also the reason I was feeling so crummy-- the sense that gyno was getting worse. and I do appreciate all your help. normally i am disciplined and organized but this time i just dove headfirst because of the aforementioned reasons.

    TRT has been an ongoing project, now I have a lead on an endo that will be hopefully more open to it so need to get a referral then we shall see.

  5. #5
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    IMO, main thing is to keep using HCG as it kind of keeps all options open- including SERM restart. All other things are more-less negotiable and you can have last word, basically we still dont know what caused your issues and is not excluded that some time in future your find some underlying cause that is treatable, in which case you could basically return to normal.
    As for endo- that is always good idea to find good one who actually pays attention. Other option would be to go to see urologist- usually they are more open-minded and in most places they can prescribe TRT.

  6. #6
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    Lately I've been feeling super depressed, and while I have had some big losses in life lately, I seem to be more down than I would have expected. I'm wondering if this could be due to suppression of natural testosterone or perhaps the adrenal issue you alluded to.

    thoughts? things to try?

  7. #7
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    The way you described things points in direction of neurotransmitters, I would say insufficient serotonin activity due to low E2 (I guess) which is now probably at bottom plus all that DHT. as a matter of fact I felt like that myself on my anti-gyno course, tough it was tolerable.
    Worst was on my first cycle where I used masteron and some wet compound (some DHEA derivative) plus few bits (cannot recall)- and I used arimidex as an AI, which did not work well for me and I found it next to impossible to control E2- first it went high, than it would go to drains (arimidex) but then it would rebound- despite arimidex longish half-life in my case E2 would rebound in a less than day. so I was on emotional roller-coaster, and in the end I could not distinguish low from high E2. Nightmare experience- remember watching film and any little bit sad scene would bring me to verge of tears....

    You could add some pregnenolone, as it has benefitial effedts on neurotransmitters, and then depending on plans- how long you plan to stay on you could add little bit testosterone, but again it can be tricky on gyno. Other option is to add some oral DHEA as excess will convert to E2. this things can ease problems- tough I dont think you can completely resolve your problem as you've been while "on" and its possible that apart of low E2 and test. there is another part of endocrine system that cannot cope which creates further imbalance in hormones and subsequently neurotransmitter imbalance.

    Its good thing to monitor whats happening, what are you taking effects, symptoms etc... try to write them in handbook as these things will come handy in future. any bloodowork is welcome.

    I'm really sorry that you have to go through all this.... Any luck with gyno? Based on what you said there should be some progress, sensitivity should definitely be gone...

  8. #8
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 markam's Avatar
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    I've found that 100mgs 5-HTP before bed can significantly help with mood issues.
    Obviously it's not going to fixed out of whack estrogen levels, but if your dopamine levels
    are low, it should help.

  9. #9
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    Been away for a spell. here's what's up:

    went from stanolone acetate injection to topical andractim. the stanolone near the bottom of the vial was getting really concentrated and i think that was giving me the low estro symptoms. thanks for the words of empathy, Jeli, and as always thanks for your help. gyno is a problem i would not wish on my worst enemy.

    as far as sensitivity goes, it's gone. I mean if i palpate the gyno it returns a bit but basically not there. i still am on the fence whether there is noticeable regression. it took a long time to get to this point so i'm guessing it can take a long time to go the other way. i am heartened by eric's article though, when he states that no degree of gyno is "untreatable"-- it just might take time.

    so priorities for now are to continue to cruise on DHT and, once I get some noticeable regression going, get on HRT. this sound reasonable?

    thanks again.

  10. #10
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pman42 View Post
    Been away for a spell. here's what's up:

    went from stanolone acetate injection to topical andractim. the stanolone near the bottom of the vial was getting really concentrated and i think that was giving me the low estro symptoms. thanks for the words of empathy, Jeli, and as always thanks for your help. gyno is a problem i would not wish on my worst enemy.

    as far as sensitivity goes, it's gone. I mean if i palpate the gyno it returns a bit but basically not there. i still am on the fence whether there is noticeable regression. it took a long time to get to this point so i'm guessing it can take a long time to go the other way. i am heartened by eric's article though, when he states that no degree of gyno is "untreatable"-- it just might take time.

    so priorities for now are to continue to cruise on DHT and, once I get some noticeable regression going, get on HRT. this sound reasonable?

    thanks again.
    This is not that complicated. Get on TRT now. Use an AI. 150 mg/week should be perfect. Stop spinning your wheels with this shit, get the TRT and feel better.

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