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  1. #1
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    You’re in the roughest phase of this right now, do yourself a favor and stop obsessing over your condition during this time, this is gonna be the easiest phase to get out of, and it won’t last long if you get with the program. This is the advice I would have given myself a year and a half ish ago. The worst of it tends to go away easily, then the final 20-30% is going to be more difficult and take a lot of time. During that phase you won’t be suffering but you won’t be healed yet either. Tough out this rough phase until it passes, which it will. I couldn’t sprint over lift heavy for a long time without getting worse, I was just an absolute wreck not too long ago.

    Stay away from those other bullshit forums, like anything in life, this condition is separated into demographics. Guys on those sites will never heal or improve, they’ll complain and cry about what happened to them, just like they would with anything else in life, and they’ll stay fucked. Don’t be one of those guys. It BLOWS my mind they stay so fucked up, because it’s such an easy solution with some dedication, it’s literally just a choice.

    It’s gonna take a lot of time and dedication, but get to it. You got this brah.
    Last edited by Turnover25; 08-08-2021 at 12:46 PM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
    Stay away from those other bullshit forums, like anything in life, this condition is separated into demographics. Guys on those sites will never heal or improve, they’ll complain and cry about what happened to them, just like they would with anything else in life, and they’ll stay fucked. Don’t be one of those guys. It BLOWS my mind they stay so fucked up, because it’s such an easy solution with some dedication, it’s literally just a choice.

    It’s gonna take a lot of time and dedication, but get to it. You got this brah.
    This is very important. Never believe for a second that this is permanent. And don’t talk to people that try to convince you it is. They often expect that improvements should come over night if they take this supplement or cut out this food. They don’t grasp the concept that this is a lengthy and slow battle. Then when they don’t immediately improve after trying some ‘magic bullet’ they just give in to complete helplessness and will attack anyone that claims you have to work for it.

    Get your mindset in order. Go all in on stress control to give your body the ability to heal itself. The first step is believing you will get out of this. This is hard but it will strengthen over time and will make the grind a lot more tolerable.

    Have someone to talk to. Visit a therapist. It doesn’t matter if he believes you or not. You need to vent all the anxieties that are building up inside of you.

    Go all in on recovery. Remind yourself that you are not only healing yourself but that you will actually get out of this stronger than you have ever been. Good luck man.

  3. #3
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    @Turnover25, @Mojo.....two great responses. Thank you. Nailed it.

    Readytonuts.....Here comes the broken record again.....EVERYTHING you need to do is listed in order, on TMO....literally. You have alot of great guys here that know their shit AND are willing to help. Listen to these guys. If you're not going to listen to me, you have to resonate with someone on this board. It's ALL right there for the taking just have to......take it.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  4. #4
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 Readytonut's Avatar
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    What are the recommended macro splits for the paleo diet? How many Carbs, Fats, and Protein should I eat? Does this even matter? This is not stated on the TMO website.
    Is testicular atrophy reversible with this protocol?

    @Cdsnuts why do i get spontaneous erections 2 hours after eating carbs? maybe im just in an constant caloric deficit for months thats why eating carbs gives me my sexual function back? my balls start to hang properly after consumption. when i go to sleep and wake up in the next day my balls are extremly tight again and penis shrinks and get cold. When i did my 1 day fast i had tight balls and shrunken penis all day. So something with my metabolism is off? Im asking for the macro splits because they seem to have to most influence on my sexual function. I feel like during those low bloodsugar phases the most damage is done to my reproductive system. On the TMO website it states that i can eat as much stuff i want on the food list.

    Malnutrition or chronic inflammation could also be an cause of hypogonandism?

  5. #5
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 Readytonut's Avatar
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    I started the juicefast today, i was fasting 16 hours before i drank my juice. A couple mins after i drank the first glass i felt very weird in a bad way. During the normal fast everything felt amazing but a couple mins after i drank the juice my anxiety shot up, my tremble came back(which was not present during normal fasting), I got lightheaded and my balls started to hurt. If my sides gets worse today or tomorrow i will probably stop this and build more muscle mass, i really think my only issue is constant caloric deficit for multiple months which reduced my T super quick. my body temperature is extremely cold and im freezing right now. The fact that my body reacts this bad just on juice alone make me think that something is really inflamed in my gut or stomach. I think gaining some weight the next couple of weeks and months is the way to go and as soon as i have enough mass i can do an good old waterfast which my body seems to tolerate the best. What is your guys opinion on this, should i listen to my body? I always felt the best when i ate alot of food. Prolonged caloric restriction is extremly bad for T.
    Last edited by Readytonut; 09-03-2021 at 06:40 AM.

  6. #6
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 Readytonut's Avatar
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    Quick update.

    I stopped being a faggot and started the protocol around 2 weeks ago. I did a 5-6 day waterfast (i had to cut it a little short because i felt dizzy and didn’t have much bodyfat to support long a fast.)
    After stopping the fast I took my time for the refeeding. Veggies, soups, fruits…. Very slowly increased the calories. Digestion improved a lot since then but it is still not at 100%.
    My refeeding was almost one week long. Full paleo and i tried to eat LOW FODMAP foods to help digestion.

    5 days ago I started to implement the herb cycle into my routine. After the 3rd day i already saw a uptick in libido. My libido is already better than pre fin right now but it is very early into my journey. The herbs seem to be extremely effective on my body even with a single dose.

    Unfortunately finasterid caused me puffy nipple/gyno which is super annoying. I hope the prohormones will help with that soon.

  7. #7
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    How's your sleep been? I read you had major problems early days.

  8. #8
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 Readytonut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by road to recover View Post
    How's your sleep been? I read you had major problems early days.
    Before the fast it stabilized a lot, i would wake up 1-3 times and sleep for like 6-7 hours.
    During fast it improved a little bit and i would wake up like once per night and sleep 7-8 hours.
    The first 4 days of herb rotation i slept through no wake ups with like solid 8hours of sleep.
    But today in the 5th day my sleep got worse again. I got huge anxiety spike and some slight nipple pain with it. Luckily it was very manageable compared to previous situations. I woke up after 1h with my heart beating and i knew i had to calm myself down. I stood up did some breathing exercise and drank little dose of glycine. 20 mins later i was able to fall asleep again. Total maybe around 6h.
    I would say this sleep disruption either got triggered by jerking twice yesterday or it could be the effects of a herb that i took….

  9. #9
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 Readytonut's Avatar
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    A lot of stuff happend since I last updated this.

    First of all my symptoms that im still dealing with till this day, starting from the worst:

    -Insomnia/bad sleep
    -Testicle pain/ varicocele and shrinkage, sagging of scrotum etc
    -lack of motivation
    -bad reaction to heavy workouts
    -borderline infertility (low ejaculation volume, watery cum)
    -sometimes anhedonia and slight brainfog
    -slight depression
    -digestive issues which are still occasionally happening
    -faccid penis shrinkage and ED
    -white hairs, bread and headhair

    Some of these symtomes still fluctuate depending on sleep and herbs that i take in a particular day, but unfortunately the testicle stuff only gets worse.

    Another couple anomalies that I have which I don’t really read often in PFS cases is that my totalT is consistently over the range. My E2 and my prolactin is also on the upper ranges.

    Now after getting the negative stuff out the way. What have i been doing the past few months.

    If been tinkering and trying out different herbs the past months and i reduced my rotation to 7 key herbs which i think have the most impact.

    4.mucuna dopa
    6.muira puama/tonkat ali

    These herbs definitely have the biggest impact on my body. In the first year of PFS things like tongkat and tribulus seemed to have the biggest impact but nowadays cordyceps and muira puama are the herbs that hit the best. If you have any idea why please let me know why the latter ones make a difference?

    The vitamins and supplements that i take are: VitD, Vitk2, fish oil, every other day I take magnesium ,zinc, or vitC.

    The next steps that im plan on doing is implementing more HIIT workouts into my routine and decrease the amount of heavy weightlifting that i usually do. I will also have to increase the cold showers in the future because im not consistent with those.

    In terms of stuff that i want to try out is a specific strain of probiotic which supposedly helps to get bigger testicles. I will also probably buy me some P5P to counteract the high prolactin levels and maybe get some horsechestnut for the vericocele which developed over time.

    Im also looking forward for the first PH run as soon as i have available funds. After that depending on how I progress things like proviron, hcg and clomid will be something that I have to consider.
    Last edited by Readytonut; 01-30-2023 at 03:09 PM.

  10. #10
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Readytonut View Post

    A lot of stuff happend since I last updated this.

    First of all my symptoms that im still dealing with till this day, starting from the worst:

    -Insomnia/bad sleep
    -Testicle pain/ varicocele and shrinkage, sagging of scrotum etc
    -lack of motivation
    -bad reaction to heavy workouts
    -borderline infertility (low ejaculation volume, watery cum)
    -sometimes anhedonia and slight brainfog
    -slight depression
    -digestive issues which are still occasionally happening
    -faccid penis shrinkage and ED
    -white hairs, bread and headhair

    Some of these symtomes still fluctuate depending on sleep and herbs that i take in a particular day, but unfortunately the testicle stuff only gets worse.

    Another couple anomalies that I have which I don’t really read often in PFS cases is that my totalT is consistently over the range. My E2 and my prolactin is also on the upper ranges.

    Now after getting the negative stuff out the way. What have i been doing the past few months.

    If been tinkering and trying out different herbs the past months and i reduced my rotation to 7 key herbs which i think have the most impact.

    4.mucuna dopa
    6.muira puama/tonkat ali

    These herbs definitely have the biggest impact on my body. In the first year of PFS things like tongkat and tribulus seemed to have the biggest impact but nowadays cordyceps and muira puama are the herbs that hit the best. If you have any idea why please let me know why the latter ones make a difference?

    The vitamins and supplements that i take are: VitD, Vitk2, fish oil, every other day I take magnesium ,zinc, or vitC.

    The next steps that im plan on doing is implementing more HIIT workouts into my routine and decrease the amount of heavy weightlifting that i usually do. I will also have to increase the cold showers in the future because im not consistent with those.

    In terms of stuff that i want to try out is a specific strain of probiotic which supposedly helps to get bigger testicles. I will also probably buy me some P5P to counteract the high prolactin levels and maybe get some horsechestnut for the vericocele which developed over time.

    Im also looking forward for the first PH run as soon as i have available funds. After that depending on how I progress things like proviron, hcg and clomid will be something that I have to consider.
    If you continue on the natural path, you won't have to consider the pharms. If anything, you won't want to. Once you get yourself balanced, the last thing you're going to want to put into your system is clomid.

    You will get to a point, given enough time, where your natural state feels like you're "on" all the time.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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