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    Established Member Feedback Score 0 WesleyInman's Avatar
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    ~Wesley VS. MEGA DOSE Epistane by Prescription Nutrition~

    Thanx Mike Ross and Prescription Nutrition for hooking me up with 2 bottles of Epistane to test this product out.

    And while PN is my official sponsor, let me first and foremost say that I WILL NOT exaggerate, nor would I, any PN product or any product otherwise.

    PN is NOT paying me to do this beta test. Not a dime. If this product were a POS..I will say so...if it is great, I will say so. Based on my experiences with PN, I know personally they would NEVER produce a product that was not excellent.

    Ok so lets get this rollling....

    What is EPISTANE??

    For those who don't know, or are not big into PH's..the PN version was modeled after RPN HAVOC's epistane.
    What is Havoc/Epistane ?

    2a,3a-epithio17a methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane

    What is the ratio Anabolic/Androgenic ?

    1100% as anabolic and 91% as androgenic as plain methyl-test. (Vida)

    Is Epistane Liver Toxic??

    It is methylated, so yes, it can be if you are not protecting your organs.

    Does Epistane convert to gyno?
    No it does not..It has actually been used to treat gyno...HOWEVER I have heard personal reports of people 60mgs ED or above experiencing pre-gyno. So it is possible, or it is possible that some companies with EPI products are replacing them with other compounds.

    In my opinion HAVOC is "THE BEST" version of EPI on the market. However, PN's version is identical, only it is 15mgs per capsule, instead of it is stronger...this is a good thing.

    EPISTANE has been said to convert to "turinabol" once in the bloodstream. It has been often compared to winny or anavar with larger muscle mass gains.

    What do I think of Epistane??

    I know epistane is amazing.. I have run it at 30mgs ED before. I use it with all my clients. I personally have probably sold 1-200 bottles of RPN Havoc bc of how good it is. My most recent client in a 30 day period gained 22lbs on Havoc. This is far above average and even I was impressed. No TEST base. An average gain shows 10lbs in 30 days and great increases in strength.

    What I will be running it at??

    90mgs per day. The "sweet spot" has been said to be 60-75 mgs from experienced users. This will be my first time exceeding 3omgs.

    I will be using 30mgs 3x per day to keep a constant blood plasma level.

    What do I expect??
    Lean muscle gains, strength and some aggression in the gym.

    I'd like to see alot of my lifts increase by 2-4 reps MINIMUM...and I'd like to put on a solid 10lbs of bodyweight.

    I will increase my protein intake and my overall calories.

    Will be training 4-5 times per week.


    Beta Test Day 1 and 2 (day 2 is an off day) will return to the gym Sunday for day 3:

    90mgs of Epistane.

    BW= 205lbs

    Feeling nice and strong and warm at the gym after taking 60mgs. No sides to report for days 1 and 2, except maybe being thirsty a bit more

    Workout - Chest and traps (quick session)

    Incline Bench Press-

    315x8 5 second pause reps on chest

    Wesley Inman Shrugs
    45per handx20

    Flat Bench Dumbell Raises (one arm at a time)

    Wanted to do a bit more but ran out of time. Didn't get to do abs or cardio. Also legs are still sore from the 40 yd dashes I did 3 days ago!!!

    So far so good!! Too soon to report gains, but I am expecting to see them quickly at this dosage!!
    Last edited by WesleyInman; 07-27-2013 at 10:27 PM.
    National Sponsored Lightweight Strongman Competitor
    Prescription Nutrition Athlete and TEAM REP

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