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  1. #11
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 0 burlyman30's Avatar
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    Re: Journey off of PPI drugs for heartburn, hopefully

    Didn't know about vinegar... interesting. I drink some wine to help my stomach, but you probably can't do that with every meal. Lol
    All advice given is for entertainment value only. And it's free. Take it for what it's worth.

  2. #12
    Established Member Feedback Score 4 (100%) Enuke65's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JM1000 View Post
    Raw milk btw... 2% milk has a lower pH because of what they feed the cows
    You mean whole milk?

  3. #13
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    i told you to get that stuff bro

  4. #14
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) nate3993's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enuke65 View Post
    You mean whole milk?
    No. He means raw milk. Non pasteurized. Hard to find a lot of places and some even banned it. It's much better for you than a lot of the stuff that's out there. Like I said. It helped my friend's brother in law's stomach ulcers. Helped em majorly.

  5. #15
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    Looking at ordering some PepZinGi right now.
    Last edited by Freepressright; 09-10-2013 at 07:07 AM.

  6. #16
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    The predictability of this condition is anything but.

    I reported having reflux after lunch and before dinner yesterday. I took some additional enzymes and ginger root capsules and it went away within an hour. I got busy in the evening and didn't have time to eat until late. My girlfriend wanted to go out.

    I ended up doing something really stupid and ordering a garlic/vinegar based salad and fettuccine alfredo with chicken. On top of that, I ate it all, to the point of fullness. You'd think I'd have been seriously crippled with reflux.

    I wasn't.

    Strangely enough, I didn't get ANY reflux from it. I had two enzymes before and two after. Before bed I felt some mild indigestion, and after some more enzymes and ginger, had no issues the rest of the night.

    Everything was good this morning until I ate a chocolate peanut butter protein bar. I can't have these things. The heartburn is killer, even after my morning dose of DGL and mastic gum. It's as if the sticky, gooey protein and peanut butter is stuck in my esophagus. I'm seriously regretting my choice in breakfast right about now.

    I'll see what the rest of the day brings.

  7. #17
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    I wish I were sitting here this morning telling you of a miraculous day without heartburn, but no such luck yet.

    I alluded to the unpredictability of this condition in my previous post. But over the last few days, I guess I have found a pattern to some things.

    I know I can't do coffee right now. A chocolate peanut butter protein bar for breakfast set me on fire. And Greek yogurt and a granola bar had the same effect. However, several nights in a row, I've been able to eat pretty much damn near anything I want in the evening time without any heartburn or reflux. But for some reason, breakfast and lunch choices have given me reflux.

    On the bright side, the ROH-10 in the Heartburn Free did not aggravate my reflux yesterday. That's a first so far. Of course I took it later in the day than I usually do. I may switch my dosing time.

    Right now I'm seeing how far I can push the envelope with dietary choices. In a few days, I'll try my luck at the carb-free/no dairy thing, which seemed to greatly improve my digestion while still on Prilosec.

    My goal is to grab some Doctor's Choice PepZinGi from iherb. I read 73 reviews, the majority of which were glowing. In the meantime, I'm continuing my 1,000mg/2x daily mastic gum and 3 DGL lozenges, alternating with the EOD dose of Heartburn Free by Enzymatic Therapy.

    I've also been using some ginger root capsules, which cause massive heartburn initially but then it subsides into a calm stomach. Odd, I know.

    I'll continue providing updates to everyone throughout this journey.

  8. #18
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    You can take the glycyrrhizin out of licorice and call it DGL (deglycyrrizinated licorice), but you can't remove it's estrogenic properties.

    Lesson learned.

    Licorice root is not advised at large doses for people because of its side effects on blood pressure. It is also noted for it's libido-killing properties. DGL, I've found, is no exception.

    Since beginning DGL, my sex drive has gradually been waning. I gave this as a reason to another user in recent weeks for never trying DGL. Turns out my hunch was correct.

    My libido is in the toilet. My interest in sex has dwindled down to something I almost can't feel. Getting a hard-on requires extra foreplay and concentration. In other words, more fucking work than I'm used to and it's definitely cramping my style. So, that said, no more DGL for me.

    I'll be using just the mastic gum and ROH-10/Heartburn Free until I order some Doctor's Choice PepZinGi, which appears promising.

    I decided to get off of PPIs because of their threat of devastating my manhood with anti-androgenic bullshit. I'm not seeing a whole lot of good in trading one drug for a compound that makes my reason for quitting worse.

    Word to the wise, people -- if you're considering DGL to calm your rebound acidity getting off PPI drugs, choose another compound if you like having a sex drive.

    On the heartburn front, I'm seeing some small progress. It seems like each passing day, I am seeing very small amounts of improvement. I'm still nowhere near the point I want myself, and I admit that I'm not doing the best job at avoiding triggers. But I certainly have identified many of them.

    Wheat products are like battery acid. With my stomach pumps working overtime due to rebound acidity, any wheat product seems to set me ablaze. Chocolate is out of the question. Oats? Forget it, ain't happening.

    Basically, if I try to eat gluten/wheat and dairy free, I do OK.

    I made a half-assed attempt once before at getting off PPIs and the rebound acidity was crippling. It isn't quite that bad this time, thankfully. I have to believe I'm on the right track, but again, I'm prepared for months worth of work.

    One day at a time!

  9. #19
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    I just submitted my order for Doctor's Choice PepZinGi, per the recommendation of one of the board members here at Swole Source and after reading about 100 glowing reviews. It can't get here soon enough.

    As my last post spelled out, I ceased DGL because it crushed my sex drive. Sadly, excluding it has also greatly exacerbated my reflux. It was working more than I realized.

    What a catch 22. Stay on Prilosec and suffer the threat of sexual dysfunction, gyno and other estrogenic sides or take something all natural and open yourself up to the same shit.

    I'll keep everyone posted on the PepZinGi once I start it.

  10. #20
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    All the natural remedies in the world won't help as much as drastically cleaning up your diet will. You could also be suffering heartburn in part because I know you've used methylated PH's a lot and when I used anavar it gave me heartburn that didnt go away for a while after I stopped.

    Plus, if you clean up your diet you will be healthier in other ways and get leaner!

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