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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    I did realise which unit you used, after all we live in same part of the world and in most part of Europe they use different units than USA tough there are plenty of places where they use USA equipement so they use USA measurement.

    Your estrogen was high but your SHBG was very high and if it was not your esteogen would be even higher.

    You can try as little as 2X 6.25 of aromasin.
    Oh right, i thought it was very low given the following from ON's report: The men with balanced estrogen levels had the fewest deaths their estrogen levels were between 21.80 and 30.11 pg/mL or (80.02 and 110.53 pmol/L).

    Mine was 36 pmol/L, or more probably around 60pmol/L at the time of taking AI.

    So with lower SHBG your referring to a higher percentage of free E right?

    I just have 2 weeks to go before my next bloods so i should probably push through to get an accurate picture of what 2 x 12.5mg a week does to me. My plan is then to drop to your suggested 2 x 6.25mg for the month after, unless of course bloods show i've nailed it.
    I have 3 blood tests booked for the next 3 months at monthly intervals, all for shgb, E, T and free Androgen index.

    Can i ask you your opinion on a back up plan that's sloshing around in my head? I am thinking that should i struggle to raise E to normal levels without dropping T too much - something that has been the problem recently - then it might make sense to try a weekly or even bi weekly dose of 12.5mg clomid, while dropping the dose of AI a little more. This would logically raise E while still generating more T, without causing any toxic insult or raising E to high due to very low dose.
    It has already been shown that i produce high amounts of T even with fairly low dose AI, so a tiny dose of Clomid might well combine well to give me the balance i'm after. Whilst i don't particularly want to use clomid, i want very low E (in order to maintain T) a whole lot less.
    I hope to never need to try it, but having a back up plan makes me feel a whole lot better about things.

    So you're UK based then? Which part, or town?

  2. #12
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    I think bloodwork will only help so much with E. Some guys are more comfortable at 20pmol, some at 30pmol. I think the sweet spot for most guys is somewhere in between.

    I don't think Jel is British though. I'm pretty sure he's in europe however.

  3. #13
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    "Mine was 36 pmol/L"- but that is still bit high considering high SHBG which binds testosterone to prevent further aromatisation, for body estrogen is the hormone that is very important, and it always tries to maintain stable levels which should be between 20 and 30 pmol as Entropy said.
    As a matter of fact when we use SERMS we are tricking body into thinking that htere is not enough of estrogen in body so it works with full capacity to increase it, so it raises LH... and you know rest of the story....

    very often when people lower SHBG their total testosterone goes down as well, and luckily that was not case with you which confirms that you're still quite healthy

    "I just have 2 weeks to go before my next bloods so i should probably push through to get an accurate picture of what 2 x 12.5mg a week does to me."

    you're absolutely right about this

    "then it might make sense to try a weekly or even bi weekly dose of 12.5mg clomid"
    considering clomids half life that would not give significant increase I think, ot of people people trying raising test with clomid were able to do it with very small amounts like 6.25 but it was 2 or 3 times a week.
    I am not fan of permnently using clomid as same with any other SERM it does give lot of benefits but you never get "real feel" and libido is rarely good on SERMS- only point of taking clomid would be resensitising receptors, and how well that would work in your case, dont really know.

    ANother thing is- you need to add vitamin d when using AI as it not just helps to raise t level it protects bones and reduces some side effects inc pain in bones/joints.

    Mixed nuts (chestunuts, wallnuts, hazelnuts etc) increase sensitvity of testicles to LH and thus raise test. levels.

    I'm from southeast of Europe (Serbia) but I've been living in Beds for last 15 years.
    Last edited by Jelisej; 03-02-2015 at 06:17 PM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    "Mine was 36 pmol/L"- but that is still bit high considering high SHBG which binds testosterone to prevent further aromatisation, for body estrogen is the hormone that is very important, and it always tries to maintain stable levels which should be between 20 and 30 pmol as Entropy said.
    As a matter of fact when we use SERMS we are tricking body into thinking that htere is not enough of estrogen in body so it works with full capacity to increase it, so it raises LH... and you know rest of the story....

    very often when people lower SHBG their total testosterone goes down as well, and luckily that was not case with you which confirms that you're still quite healthy

    "I just have 2 weeks to go before my next bloods so i should probably push through to get an accurate picture of what 2 x 12.5mg a week does to me."

    you're absolutely right about this

    "then it might make sense to try a weekly or even bi weekly dose of 12.5mg clomid"
    considering clomids half life that would not give significant increase I think, ot of people people trying raising test with clomid were able to do it with very small amounts like 6.25 but it was 2 or 3 times a week.
    I am not fan of permnently using clomid as same with any other SERM it does give lot of benefits but you never get "real feel" and libido is rarely good on SERMS- only point of taking clomid would be resensitising receptors, and how well that would work in your case, dont really know.

    ANother thing is- you need to add vitamin d when using AI as it not just helps to raise t level it protects bones and reduces some side effects inc pain in bones/joints.

    Mixed nuts (chestunuts, wallnuts, hazelnuts etc) increase sensitvity of testicles to LH and thus raise test. levels.

    I'm from southeast of Europe (Serbia) but I've been living in Beds for last 15 years.
    Wow, your english is awesome. Kinda makes your knowledge all the more impressive.

    Thanks for that Jel, i will continue then until bloods in two weeks and then halve dose. It is nice to know i only have to get E back up to around 25pmol/L, that shouldn't be too hard.
    Dependent on blood results i'm not averse to trialling very low clomid doses - maybe even 6.25 per week and 6.25 aromasin, after all, i am not looking for major T gains, just to preserve T while adding a little E, and at such low doses, it probably cannot hurt.
    Whatever i take, it is alwasy with a view to weaning off completely over time.
    My libido is fine right now, in fact everything is fine with exception to achy bones, which create worry etc. which i know then hurts other things, so the clomid is simply a back up plan to address that issue - provided everything else stays the same or similar, then i will be feeling tip top if achy joints disappear.
    Thanks for the tip regards nuts, and regards vit D i appear to be naturally off the charts already, testing at 170 (range 30 to 170) and that was in December too, so god knows what i will be in summer - i still take 10,000 iu's a day though, and no doubt this is one reason for my recovery.
    Thanks again for your advice and support Jel, it is very helpful to have all these little doubts and queries answered, and other people must be benefitting too from your knowledge on E and SHBG etc.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    I think bloodwork will only help so much with E. Some guys are more comfortable at 20pmol, some at 30pmol. I think the sweet spot for most guys is somewhere in between.

    I don't think Jel is British though. I'm pretty sure he's in europe however.
    Yeah i'm aware there is variation according to receptor sensitivity and maybe a host of other reasons, i am just using bloods as a guide, because if E is way too low for long periods, there is lots of research to show poor outcomes, particularly cardio, so i do not want to risk that. I have achy joints so if bloods show my E at anything below 20 pmol/L then that will certainly be enough info to know i need to be higher.
    I hate having to test bloods every month, and i don't like the idea of taking any pharma, however bloods have allowed me to tailor things to suit and this approach has got me to where i am now, along of course with very low dose pharma, which i am comfortable with, as at very low doses it is not so much a crutch as just a helpful short term nudge.

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