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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    We do have a famous PFS sufferer here. Well, no one knows he has PFS. Here...this little forum in a quiet corner of the net. That's all I'm going to say. He's registered on this forum and I've been helping him here and there. I was pumped at first. I just thought it was pretty fucking cool. Aaaaaannnd mouth
    Lots of male actors and musicians take finasteride A) for the same reasons other guys do and B) they think it will help their careers. So it’s only mildly surprising to hear that there’s a celebrity on the board.

    And let’s remember, for every one PFS guy who finds this board, there are probably hundreds of guys who won’t find us and may never get better.

  2. #12
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    I know this is an old post but this perfectly embodies the victim mentality of the propeciahelp forum
    To still believe that big pharma can offer you anything or to think that it is even possible to come up with a pill that reverses a chronic pharma induced condition is lunacy at it's peak
    It's beyond wishful thinking
    It is more realistic to wish for a time machine and go back before you played russian roulette
    All you really want is being recognized as a victim? it is sad and pathetic

    I feel like people here really don't have a grasp on alternative therapy and what CD is trying to accomplish with his detoxing methods

  3. #13
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    I have very little confidence in big pharma and the federal government as a whole in keeping us healthy... it seems all they do is poison us at every possible opportunity and then bail out the corporations responsible. The end result is that good, previously healthy people get sick and have their lives robbed from them for extended periods of time, maybe for the rest of their life if they aren't diligent enough.

    Can't imagine this boding well for society.

  4. #14
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zonz View Post
    I have very little confidence in big pharma and the federal government as a whole in keeping us healthy... it seems all they do is poison us at every possible opportunity and then bail out the corporations responsible. The end result is that good, previously healthy people get sick and have their lives robbed from them for extended periods of time, maybe for the rest of their life if they aren't diligent enough.

    Can't imagine this boding well for society.
    That's because in our capitalist society money trumps all. That's it. bottom line. YOU and only you are responsible for your own one else, not even doctors.

    Most doctors are so far gone from the reality of the cutting edge natural health movement that they can't even grasp the concept of detoxing and why and what it does. They are simply drug pushers for big pharma.......that's it.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #15
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comewhatmay View Post
    Hey CD,

    Just came across this and couldn't help but wonder and ask if our famous PFSer has now recovered
    He has
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  6. #16
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    That's because in our capitalist society money trumps all. That's it. bottom line. YOU and only you are responsible for your own one else, not even doctors.

    Most doctors are so far gone from the reality of the cutting edge natural health movement that they can't even grasp the concept of detoxing and why and what it does. They are simply drug pushers for big pharma.......that's it.
    But TRy does work sometimes c.f.mild case

    - - - Updated - - -

    Man I had an eight year window to visit a specialist for TR T dock and balls were b.s.ifnlibido decent good even spontaneous erections grequent

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