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  1. #1
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 dacookiemonsta's Avatar
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    I'll be starting a Trenazone/Mechabol/Trestolone log in the next few days

    Plan on taking Trenazone 2ml a day
    Mechabol 100-150mg a day depending how I feel
    And my Trestolone intake is still somewhat up for grabs.. I'm thinking between 25mg/35mg a day transdermally.

    I plan is to actually take a 2 grams of Trest and add it to Trenazone. From what I've been reading this will dissolve fairly easily and it shouldn't somehow effect the Trenazone itself.

    I'm "probably" going to end up taking two bottles of Trenazone (or a bottle and a half) and put it into another container and then add the Trest slowly making sure it dissolves without issue. I "could" add alcohol instead of diluting with additional Trenazone if it looks like It's going to be an issue.

    Obviously the issue is once I add the Trestolone it's in there and not coming out. If do start getting insane sides and I need to properly ascertain where they're coming from I do have a couple more bottles of Trenazone on the side.

    I have taken both Tren and Mecha and I've actually cycled the two together.

    I'm probably going to take tudca... I got it pretty cheap so why not.

    I also have aromasin on the way and plan on taking 12.5 a day... I have existing gyno although it's not gotten worse or been an issue my past 4 cycles.

    I don't know if I'm going to proactively take something for BP issues or cross that bridge when I come to it. I'd like to be able to actually cite sides to this cycle after receiving them...

    Oh I'll also be taking 3 caps of AndroHard a day as well. I just happen to have that left over from my previous cycle.

    Any questions, comments, constructive criticisms feel free to chime in.
    Last edited by dacookiemonsta; 01-16-2013 at 02:42 PM.

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