Well there really isn't a reason in particular. I just have a tendency to use myself as a sort of guinea pig / lab rat for different things to see the response elicited in the body. This heavy cream topic is of interest to me at the moment because i'm going to throw myself into a (imo) ridiculously strenuous workout routine for the next few weeks. I am not assisted in any hormonal way. Though i do use a decent amount of supplements: whey protein, creatine, beta alanine, glutamine, taurine, multi, vitamin c/b's/e/d3/k2, dmg, cla, greens powder, inulin fiber, cal/mag, and digestive enzymes. I've always followed a very clean, very "normal" nutritional approach with a roughly 40/40/20 split of carbs, protein, fats. With this routine i am going to cut all carbs from my diet except for the sugar in ice cream which i will only be eating immediately post workout. I'm sure something like this has been done before, like a balls to the walls month of working out combined with high fat, high protein diet. Though i'd like to experiment this myself since i created a routine specifically for the purpose of needing an insane amount of calories to fuel the strength, muscle, and cardiovascular gains. I can see why the hwc topic may have seemed silly without some sort of explanation.